In the Pipeline: 12/31/12

Maybe peering over the edge of a cliff will attune these bozos in Washington to mortality.  I wouldn’t count on it, though. AEA (12/31/12) reports: “With our nation’s economic future in their hands, Senate leaders are negotiating behind closed doors in the latest round of political brinkmanship to avert the so-called fiscal cliff. Early reports indicate that […]

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In the Pipeline: 12/19/12

It is increasingly clear that Senator Lamar Alexander has been eating his spinach. IER (12/18/12) reports: “In a speech Thursday on the Senate floor, Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) gave the following floor speech in response to the wind industry’s phase-out proposal of the wind Production Tax Credit:”   In a way, it’s like the government is raising […]

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In the Pipeline: 12/17/12

Even the Washington Post thinks the wind PTC should end.  Too bad they blow on the carbon tax. Washington Post (12/15/12) reports: “Some of those who sympathize with the wind subsidy, known as the production tax credit (PTC), say that it represents a second-best approach to supporting green energy. In fact it is not even a third- […]

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In the Pipeline: 12/7/12

This is all run by affordable, reliable electricity brought to you by hydrocarbons.  Sometimes by nuclear power. Slate (12/7/12) reports: “So it turns out the Internet really is a series of tubes. Last October, for the first time ever, Google posted dozens of rare photographs inside and around its data centers revealing the absurd level of organization, […]

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In the Pipeline: 11/5/12

18th in the Economic Freedom of the World Report? If this ship were still sailing, we would be going in the wrong direction. But apparently we’re just sinking now. Washington Times (11/4/12) reports: “In a new policy study for the Institute for Energy Research, we warn policymakers about this new form of regulatory analysis, which is driven by […]

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In the Pipeline: 10/23/12

It is very rare indeed when AEA thinks the Denver Post gets it right.  Please read carefully, because it may never happen again. Denver Post(10/22/12) reports: “We can think of at least four major reasons why Longmont voters should reject Question 300, a ban on hydraulic fracturing within city limits… 1. The courts will almost certainly […]

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In the Pipeline: 10/17/12

This video makes us laugh.  Until we remember that we are paying for this mess. Michigan Capitol Confidential (10/8/12) reports: “In the video, Gov. Granholm’s press conference on A123 Systems was interrupted by a phone call… It was President Obama on the line to remind the audience that it was his American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that […]

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In the Pipeline: 10/16/12

Why we fight.    How in the world did this run in the Washington Post? Washington Post(10/15/12) reports: “Al Gore is about 50 times richer than he was when he left the vice presidency in 2001. According to an Oct. 11 report by The Post’s Carol D. Leonnig, Gore accumulated a Romneyesque $100 million partly through investing […]

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In the Pipeline: 10/10/12

Well now.  The Obama crew favors a carbon tax.  Governor Romney does not.  Maybe the Romney campaign should make that difference more visible, obvious, and well-known. The Hill(10/8/12) reports: “An Obama campaign representative speculated Friday that the White House would consider a carbon emissions tax if Republicans were interested in negotiating — a political circumstance the […]

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