Survey: Americans Don’t Want to Pay for Neighbor’s EV

WASHINGTON – Today, the American Energy Alliance released a new survey examining voters’ attitudes toward transportation policy, specifically government support for electric vehicles. The results show that Americans are deeply skeptical of government making decisions for them with respect to vehicles or fuels—for example, when it comes to using tax dollars to subsidize electric vehicles. […]

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Coalition to Congress: Support PTC Elimination Act

The American Energy Alliance joined this week with 19 other organizations in opposition to the wasteful wind Production Tax Credit (PTC). In a letter to the House of Representatives, the coalition encourages Members to support H.R. 1901, a bill introduced by Congressmen Marchant and Pompeo earlier this year to eliminate the wind PTC. Below is an excerpt from the letter: […]

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Lessons for Congress from the Land Down Under

Congress may soon consider legislation retroactively extending a raft of expired tax subsidies, known as “tax extenders.” One of those is the wind Production Tax Credit, a multi-billion dollar tax credit that subsidizes wind developers for the electricity they generate. This costly handout raises energy prices, destabilizes the electric grid, and benefits wealthy wind lobbyists […]

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IMF’s Disingenuous Attempt to Tax Energy Use

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) released its estimate of global fossil fuel subsidies for 2015 at $5.3 trillion—almost ten times higher than the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) calculation of $548 billion for 2013.[i] The difference is not the change of a 2-year span, but the methodology. The IEA uses a “price-gap” methodology, which is the […]

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Time to Break Obama’s Big Green Bank

A growing chorus of opposition is emerging against the U.S. Export-Import Bank. The bank’s authorization expires June 30, but while President Obama and his corporate cronies are lobbying for reauthorization, a coalition of organizations representing millions of Americans sent a letter to Congress calling for an end to Ex-Im, which “unfairly hurts domestic companies and […]

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On Tax Day, Big Wind Gets A Windfall

The wind industry often peddles the false claim that conventional energy sources like natural gas, coal, and nuclear receive more subsidies than wind power. Industry lobbyists at the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) use this myth as a talking point to push for more subsidies, including the federal Production Tax Credit. In reality, the exact […]

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Newsweek: What’s the True Cost of Wind Power?

Randy Simmons, professor of political economy at Utah State University, recently co-authored an article with Strata Policy Analyst Megan Hansen that sheds light on the true, hidden cost of wind power. Simmons and Hansen find that the enormous amount of federal subsidies and grants given to wind power every year make it hard for Americans to understand just […]

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