Solar Industry In Dire Straits Without Endless Subsidies

In its Short-Term Energy Outlook, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) is projecting 26 gigawatts of solar capacity to be added to the power grid this year and another 22 gigawatts of solar additions in 2026. That expected growth is down from the record 37 gigawatts of solar power capacity that was added in 2024 and may dwindle […]

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Biden’s Solar Fantasy An Imminent Disaster

Solar power is to be the savior of President Biden’s climate agenda, being the “green” resource of choice. However, solar power has a number of unfavorable issues that limits its ability to become the savior that the Biden Administration wants. They include: Solar is an intermittent technology that provides no power when the sun does […]

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Debunking the Claim that Wind and Solar Don’t Get “without much in the way of incentives”

Recently the Institute for Energy Research explained how Paul Krugman either does not understand climate science and economics or is deliberately misleading his readers. In that piece, Robert Murphy explains that studies encapsulating the consensus science from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change contradict Krugman’s claims. In that piece we wanted to focus on the […]

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Earth Day: Continuing a Storied Tradition of Misleading Claims and Outrageous Predictions

Today, millions of people around the world are celebrating Earth Day. Since its inception in 1970, Earth Day, and the environmental movement in general, has been plagued by incorrect predictions and factually wrong claims. Earth Day’s Legacy of Inaccuracy In their 1970 Earth Day edition, Life Magazine stated, “Scientists have solid experimental and theoretical evidence […]

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Bloomberg Article Hypes Renewable Investment – Ignores Actual Energy Production

America is in the midst of an energy revolution. While coal use has fallen, natural gas and oil production have increased dramatically over the last four years. Conversely, despite massive amounts of subsidies, mandates, and media hype, renewable energy production has hardly budged. Glowing words for renewable energy investment shouldn’t outshine the real story about […]

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In Another Backroom Deal, Congress Looks to Tack Energy Handouts Onto FAA Bill

In December 2015, Congress passed a massive omnibus spending bill, which included a $23.8 billion, five-year extension of the wind Production Tax Credit (PTC) and the solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC). This extension marked a big win for wealthy industrial wind developers and solar investors—all at the expense of American taxpayers. Now, some in Congress—both […]

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Obama’s Climate Legacy: A Long and Painful Road

WASHINGTON — American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle issued the following statement on President Obama’s final State of the Union address: “President Obama has never failed to deliver a good speech, and tonight was no different. The president spoke at length of his climate and energy legacy—touting his carbon regulations and his ‘investments’ in wind […]

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Key Vote: NO on Omnibus Spending Bill

As Congress considers a massive $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill, coupled with a $650 billion tax extenders package, the American Energy Alliance urges all members to vote against any legislation that extends the wind Production Tax Credit (PTC), the solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), and fails to prohibit funds from being repurposed to the Green Climate Fund. According […]

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Solar CEO Calls for Phaseout of Subsidies

The upcoming expiration of the Investment Tax Credit (ITC) is leading to a record number of solar panel installations as companies rush to exploit the subsidy. The ITC, along with a favorable depreciable tax basis, allows companies to write off as much as 60 percent of the property’s value at taxpayers’ expense. However, not all […]

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Congress Must Reject Attempts to Revive PTC

Plan to Extend PTC will Cost Billions of Dollars; Hike Electricity Bills WASHINGTON – Congress is reportedly working on a tax extenders plan that includes a five-year extension of the wind Production Tax Credit (PTC). Some have called this deal a “phase out”—resembling the plan proposed by and lobbied for by GE just last year—but […]

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