Biden Thinks Magic Can Power America’s Economy

Joe Biden’s climate and energy plans mandate a carbon-free generation sector by 2035. Since new nuclear and carbon capture and sequestration technologies are not economically competitive, subsidized wind and solar power would have to make up the share from fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, and oil) that currently make up 62 percent of the generation […]

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Biden’s “Carbon-Free” Dreams Are Detached From Reality

Democratic Party presidential nominee Joe Biden’s “Clean Energy Standard” is a push to get what Biden and his running mate Senator Kamala Harris think are non-carbon sources onto the nation’s electricity system. While Biden’s plan considers existing nuclear and hydroelectric power as OK, the push is to remove the 63 percent of generation that comes […]

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Biden ‘Forgot’ He Supports The Green New Deal

Biden waffled in the first presidential debate of the general election season on whether his climate plan was the “Green New Deal” or the “Biden plan” despite his campaign website saying, “Biden believes the Green New Deal is a crucial framework for meeting the climate challenges we face.” Democratic nominee Biden said, “The Green New […]

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Biden Unveils Job Destroying Climate Plan

According to presidential candidate Joe Biden’s website: “We need millions of construction, skilled trades, and engineering workers to build a new American infrastructure and clean energy economy. These jobs will create pathways for young people and for older workers shifting to new professions, and for people from all backgrounds and all communities. Their work will […]

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As Pandemic Spreads, Democrats Prioritize Green Giveaways for Special Interests Over Citizens

House and Senate Democrats maneuver to slide unrelated renewable energy tax credits, green new deal policies into economic stimulus package meant to protect our health and the economy. WASHINGTON DC (March 18, 2020) – Today, the American Energy Alliance (AEA) raised concerns about the ballooning $1.2 trillion stimulus package Congress is currently considering and what […]

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Pittsburgh’s “Clean Energy” Cronies Can’t Hide Behind Mayor Peduto Forever

On Wednesday, President Trump appeared in Pittsburgh to discuss American energy policy and his commitment to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement. Following the appearance, Pittsburg’s mayor, William Peduto, issued a press release that made several claims misrepresenting the reality of American energy policy and the current state of the energy industry in Pennsylvania. Two […]

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President Obama’s Orwellian Energy Speech

President Obama’s recent speech in Las Vegas about energy is either amazingly dishonest or amazingly ignorant. It is as if the president and his advisers read Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell and instead of treating it as a cautionary tale, they considered it a how-to manual for talking about energy. President Obama even trotted out […]

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Energy Solutions Come from the Market – Not from Mandates

Last week, AEA Economist Travis Fisher wrote a Letter to the Editor in The Charlotte Observer regarding North Carolina’s renewable energy mandate. Fisher’s letter outlines the importance of freezing an energy mandate that has proven to be costly for North Carolinians. Below is an excerpt from the piece: Renewable energy advocates claim a bill to freeze North […]

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