Gaetz’s Green Deal-Lite: Still a Bad Deal for American Families

WASHINGTON – It has been reported that Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is preparing to introduce a resolution in the House of Representatives dubbed the “Green Real Deal”. AEA President Thomas Pyle responded with the following statement:  “Rep. Matt Gaetz’s so-called ‘Green Real Deal’ is nothing more than a Green New Deal-lite. While the resolution purports […]

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Vogtle Loan Guarantees: How Much is Enough?

WASHINGTON – Today, Secretary Perry announced the Department of Energy is moving to finalize a $3.7 billion loan guarantee for the Plant Vogtle nuclear reactors. AEA President Thomas Pyle made the following statement in reaction to the announcement:   “We oppose federal loan guarantees for any energy source, period. Nuclear power is an important part […]

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New Survey Finds Voters Skeptical of Government Action on Climate Change

WASHINGTON – Today, the American Energy Alliance has released the results of a nationwide survey of 1005 likely voters (margin of error = 3.1%) revealing Americans’ perspective on issues related to the Green New Deal, climate change, and the federal fuel economy mandate. The findings include:  Consistent with previous polling, very few voters identify climate change as […]

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When Will the Special Favors End?

WASHINGTON – Today, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Trump administration proposed regulatory changes to reform aspects of RIN markets and to allow gasoline blended with up to 15 percent ethanol to be sold during the summer months. AEA president Thomas Pyle made the following statement: “We are deeply disappointed that the ethanol barons have […]

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Trump Budget Supports a Strong Energy Future

WASHINGTON – Today, the Trump administration delivered its proposed Fiscal Year 2020 budget to Congress. AEA President Thomas Pyle made the following statement in regards to the budget’s implications for American energy: “The Trump administration’s proposed 2020 budget would modernize government spending in a manner consistent with the energy revolution taking place before our very eyes. The government should […]

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Trump Administration Rightly Rejects California’s Power Grab

WASHINGTON – Today, the Trump administration announced it has halted negotiations with California’s Air Resources Board with respect to California’s waiver authority to set fuel economy mandates. AEA President Thomas Pyle made the following statement:  “California was never going to negotiate in good faith with the Trump administration. For years California politicians have made green […]

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Real Abundance, False Promises

WASHINGTON – AEA president Thomas Pyle made the following statement in response to the non-binding “Green New Deal” resolution introduced this morning: “For nearly a decade now the United States, long blessed with vast natural resources, has benefited from the greatest energy expansion in the history of the world. Our energy producers have delivered the […]

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The State of American Energy is Strong

WASHINGTON – In response to President Trump’s 2019 State of the Union address held Tuesday night, AEA President Tom Pyle made the following statement: “This evening, President Donald Trump reminded us that the state of American energy is strong. America’s economy is booming, creating a thriving environment for innovation and energy development. Producers and consumers […]

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Press Release: AEA Sends Rep. Rooney Yellow Vest for His Support of Economy Wrecking Energy Tax

WASHINGTON – Last week, a handful of members of the House of Representatives introduced carbon tax legislation, “The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act.” The bill sponsored by Rep. Deutch and Rep. Rooney, the sole Republican sponsor, seeks to impose a $15 per ton tax on carbon emissions and would increase by $10 annually. In protest of his destructive energy tax, […]

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