In the Pipeline: 4/10/13

Now that would be a mandate we could all get behind. Denver Post (4/8/13) reports: “The officials from rural cooperatives and rural counties called the bill ‘a war on rural Colorado.’…’I own a bar. I’d like you to pass a law that everyone has to drink 25 percent more. Everyone is feathering their own nest,’ Moffat County […]

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In the Pipeline: 3/18/13

What happens to a society when there are more takers than makers? White House (3/15/13) reports: “The President’s plan builds on an idea that has bipartisan support from experts including retired admirals and generals and leading CEOs, and it focuses on one goal: shifting America’s cars and trucks off oil entirely.”   I bet oil production would […]

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In the Pipeline: 3/6/13

Nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!   The wind crew is bitterly clinging to its tax credits. They probably don’t have religion or guns. Politico (3/5/13) reports: “Two months after Congress rescued it, the wind industry’s crucial tax credit is back on the countdown to extinction. The fiscal cliff deal revived the wind-production tax credit on New Year’s Day just hours after it […]

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In the Pipeline: 3/5/13

I wonder if they are going to mention the years that she has spent not responding to document and other requests from Senators and Congressmen. Or the data that she promised to provide (but did not) on the utility MACT or CSAPR. Or her role in the creation of RGGI. Or her involvement in NESCAUM […]

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In the Pipeline: 2/27/13

If you want to throw down fisticuffs, fine. Pyle’s got Jack Johnson and Tom O’Leary waiting for ya, right here. National Journal (2/26/13) reports: “As passionate as these protests may be, the reality is that the oil in Alberta will go somewhere, and no amount of plastic zip ties — made from refined petroleum products, I might […]

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In the Pipeline: 2/19/13

Yikes… does anybody know a good shrink for this guy? Center for Industrial Progress (2/17/13) reports: “I approve of a blackout, I’m pro population control!”    Why we fight. Townhall (2/14/13) reports: “Given our unsustainable national debt — nearly $17 trillion and climbing — America is said to be in decline, although we face no devastating plague, nuclear holocaust, […]

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In the Pipeline: 2/13/13

It can’t be worse than what most University of Colorado students consume on a regular basis. Washington Times (2/12/13) reports: “Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper went to unusually great lengths to learn firsthand the strides the oil and gas industry has made to minimize environmental harm from fracking… The first-term Democrat and former Denver mayor told a Senate committee […]

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In the Pipeline: 2/12/13

Thank you for your service, Mr. Romesha. Washington Free Beacon(2/11/13) reports: “Former Staff Sgt. Clinton Romesha (ROE-muh-shay), 31, will receive the Medal of Honor today for heroic actions during the day-long attack on Combat Outpost Keating in Afghanistan… More than 300 Taliban attacked Keating early in the morning of Oct. 3, 2009, from all four sides […]

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In the Pipeline: 2/5/13

It’s good to get out the whetstone and sharpen the sword.  And while the fight is never won or lost on the study field, this is where we like to begin the battle. IER (2/5/13) reports: “This paper illustrates that Congress has chosen to evaluate only one small piece of the economic effect of opening federal tracts […]

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In the Pipeline: 1/30/13

We’re not entirely cynical, because Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy are still real. Consumer Energy Report (1/29/13) reports: “I don’t ride a unicorn to work because unicorns don’t exist… But imagine the following scenario. A number of companies claim that they are developing unicorns, and in 3 years they will be commercially available. The Environmental Protection […]

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