Biden Attacks Oil Producers To Shift Blame On Gas Prices

President Joe Biden is expected to call on Congress to pass legislation enacting “use it or lose it” fines on wells that oil companies have leased from the federal government but have not used in years and “on acres of public lands that they are hoarding without producing…Companies that are producing from their leased acres and […]

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EIA: Petroleum and Natural Gas Will be the Most-Used Fuels in the United States Through 2050

EIA’s Annual Energy Outlook 2022 reference case (which assumes current laws and regulations) projects that U.S. energy consumption will grow through 2050. According to the reference case, petroleum will retain the largest share of energy consumption throughout that period, followed by natural gas. Renewable energy is projected as the fastest-growing energy source through 2050. EIA […]

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Which Is It, Joe?

Joe Biden ran for president promising to end domestic production of natural gas, oil, & coal. Joe Biden hired a team of bureaucrats who zealously attacked American energy producers from day one. Now that the predictable consequences of his extremist agenda are coming to fruition Biden and his cronies are changing their tune. You can’t […]

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China Not Following Biden’s Plan For Energy Suicide

China’s low-carbon goals should not come at the expense of energy and food security or the “normal life” of ordinary people, according to its president, Xi Jinping, signaling a cautious approach to the Paris agreement and COP26 pledges to reduce emissions. China is the world’s biggest emitter of greenhouse gases. It sees pledges to reduce carbon […]

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Liberal Legislators Kick the Dog

Last week 41 of the biggest energy-haters in Congress sent a letter to Richard Glick, chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, caterwauling about high energy prices. Like the gassy wheezer who fouls the living-room air and then kicks the dog to shift the blame, this cabal of pipeline blockers and permit-revokers tries to shift […]

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Biden Makes Life In Alaska (And The Rest Of The Country) Worse

Despite high gasoline prices, the Biden administration is reversing a Trump policy that opened up land in Arctic Alaska to new oil development. Biden’s Department of the Interior will scrap the Trump policy that authorized expanded leasing and development in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, or NPR-A. The Trump administration approved a plan to allow oil […]

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When Will Secretary Granholm Stop Lying About OPEC?

Last week, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm erroneously claimed that “OPEC controls more than 50 percent of petroleum supply.” This week she was back on TV with new inaccurate claims. For example, on State of the Union on CNN, she erroneously claimed, “OPEC is a cartel, and it controls over 50 percent of the supply of gasoline.” […]

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