Biden Plots 20-Year Ban On Energy Production for Nevada

The Biden administration has moved to prevent oil, gas, and geothermal leasing for 20 years on 264,000 acres in Nevada’s Ruby Mountains, responding to requests from Native American tribes and environmentalists. The ban, which would still allow mining, starts a 90-day public comment period, which will stretch into the first months of President Trump’s second term. The […]

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Beacon Hill Analysis Shows Nevada RPS Hikes Electricity Prices

The state of Nevada—like many others—has implemented a “Renewable Portfolio Standard,” or RPS. According to the state mandate—which was first implemented in 1997 but has since been periodically revised—the state utility, NV Energy, must produce at least 25 percent of its total retail electricity with eligible renewable sources by 2025, and 6 percent of the […]

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