Game Changer: The Federal Land Freedom Act

Thanks to developments in hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling, America is experiencing a modern energy renaissance. Oil production is at its highest levels in nearly twenty years, and natural gas continues to surge at a near-record pace. America currently produces more petroleum and natural gas than any other nation. Unsurprisingly, the vast majority of this […]

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The Hidden Threat to America’s Energy Boom

In December, the Obama administration released revised Draft Guidance to examine the impacts of climate change under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). NEPA requires that federal agencies look at the environmental impact of their major actions. The administration’s new greenhouse gas guidance would make an already costly and time-consuming process even more onerous without […]

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Energy Solutions Come from the Market – Not from Mandates

Last week, AEA Economist Travis Fisher wrote a Letter to the Editor in The Charlotte Observer regarding North Carolina’s renewable energy mandate. Fisher’s letter outlines the importance of freezing an energy mandate that has proven to be costly for North Carolinians. Below is an excerpt from the piece: Renewable energy advocates claim a bill to freeze North […]

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Opinion: Gas, Coal, Oil Fuel Our Everyday Lives

American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle published an opinion piece in the Miami Herald today. As divestment activists prepare to descend on Miami, Mr. Pyle shows how divesting from fossil fuels amounts to divesting from the energy and products of modern life. The text of the piece is below: Gas, coal, oil fuel our everyday […]

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Divestment Hypocrisy Explained in One Picture

The graphic below exemplifies the hypocrisy of radical anti-energy activists, who pressure you to give up everything from the deodorant you put on in the morning to the car you drive to work—even as they use fossil fuels in their daily lives. Given that this activist is literally covered with products made from fossil fuels, […]

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Divestment? How About Hydrocarbon Appreciation Day!

This article was originally posted on Master Resource. It is authored by Roger Bezdek and Paul Driessen. “To colleges, universities and pension funds, we say: Please demand and ensure open, robust debate on all these issues, before you vote on divestment. Allow no noisy disruption, walk-outs or false claims of consensus. Compel divestment advocates to defend […]

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Introduction to Fossil-Fuel Divestment

Energy is the lifeblood of modern society, but there is a new movement to halt our use of energy and the products of modern life as well—the fossil-fuel divestment movement. These activists seek to pressure individuals and institutional investors to “divest” of stocks, bonds, and other investments in natural gas, oil, and coal companies. This […]

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