Does Justice Demand Fossil Fuel Divestment?

What is the fossil fuel divestment movement? The fossil fuel divestment movement is a social activism campaign seeking to malign the natural gas, oil, and coal industries and pressure investors to withdraw their capital from such enterprises. Like the phrase “climate change denial,” the phrase “fossil fuel divestment” is used to convey to an uncritical […]

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Fracking’s Overlooked Local Benefits

The economy-wide, macro-scale benefits of hydraulic fracturing have been well-documented and are indeed palpable in our everyday experiences in the form of noticeably more affordable energy. With the influx of shale oil on the market, for example, we’re seeing lower gasoline prices this summer than we have in over a decade. The national average is […]

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WIRED reporter gushes over Paris agreement, but misses key facts

Wired science reporter Nick Stockton recently wrote an article praising John Kerry for his leadership on the Paris climate agreement. Stockton begins his article with a rather dramatic take on the Secretary of State’s role: The Secretary of State is the frontal lobe of US foreign policy—managing the country’s diplomatic nervous system and its relationships […]

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What Congress is doing about EPA’s heavy-handed methane regulations

Last week, the House Science Committee Environment Subcommittee held a hearing regarding the Environmental Protection Agency’s new methane regulations. The hearing highlighted the dangers of these regulations and the Administration’s continuing attacks on domestic natural gas and oil production. The EPA finalized new source performance standards for methane emissions earlier this spring. Unsurprisingly, the rule […]

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Wind Lobby’s Incoming Chairman Spins the Facts

A recent Utility Dive article examines how the wind industry might cope without the wind Production Tax Credit (PTC), which is designated to expire in five years. The wind PTC is a subsidy that pays wind producers a significant sum just for producing wind energy. The Institute for Energy Research (IER) has outlined the ill […]

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Earth Day: Continuing a Storied Tradition of Misleading Claims and Outrageous Predictions

Today, millions of people around the world are celebrating Earth Day. Since its inception in 1970, Earth Day, and the environmental movement in general, has been plagued by incorrect predictions and factually wrong claims. Earth Day’s Legacy of Inaccuracy In their 1970 Earth Day edition, Life Magazine stated, “Scientists have solid experimental and theoretical evidence […]

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Bloomberg Article Hypes Renewable Investment – Ignores Actual Energy Production

America is in the midst of an energy revolution. While coal use has fallen, natural gas and oil production have increased dramatically over the last four years. Conversely, despite massive amounts of subsidies, mandates, and media hype, renewable energy production has hardly budged. Glowing words for renewable energy investment shouldn’t outshine the real story about […]

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