Despite “Environmentalist” Hysteria, America’s Oil & Gas Industries Are Among The Cleanest In The World

AEA’s sister organization, The Institute for Energy Research, has released a new report comparing the environmental quality of the major oil-producing countries. For many years there has been a political movement centered in North America and Europe seeking to halt oil and gas production in the countries of those regions. Proponents claim this effort is […]

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California’s Anti-Energy Mandates Catch Up To Consumers This Winter

Nationwide, wholesale natural gas prices have fallen about 50 percent since the end of October. But, the opposite trend has emerged in California, where prices have risen 63 percent. Colder weather increased demand while maintenance on an interstate pipeline reduced supply. That along with reduced natural gas inventories in the region made for a very tight natural gas […]

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Biden’s War On Gas Appliances Is Just Beginning

The hubbub about banning indoor gas stoves that Biden’s Commissioner of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) suggested last month and which was poo-pooed by the White House, saying President Biden did not support the ban, continues. Now, Biden’s Department of Energy is setting energy efficiency standards for consumer cooking appliances that would ban most indoor gas stoves. […]

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Biden Administration Announces Intent To Ban Gas Stoves

A Commissioner of President Biden’s Consumer Product Safety Commission (CSPC) wants a ban on indoor gas stoves. Richard Trumka Jr., a Biden commissioner on the CSPC, told Bloomberg the ban is justified because gas stoves increase respiratory problems such as asthma among children, which is a myth promoted by environmentalists whose real agenda is not to reduce asthma but to […]

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The Unregulated Podcast #93: Delaware Oil Slicks

On this episode of The Unregulated Podcast Tom Pyle and Mike McKenna discuss recent events at the White House, insights from the latest public opinion polls, and more. For first time ever, Europe imported more natural gas from US than Russia. Biden Approval Hits New Low Celebrating 40 years at The Washington Times Democrat Mayors […]

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EIA: Petroleum and Natural Gas Will be the Most-Used Fuels in the United States Through 2050

EIA’s Annual Energy Outlook 2022 reference case (which assumes current laws and regulations) projects that U.S. energy consumption will grow through 2050. According to the reference case, petroleum will retain the largest share of energy consumption throughout that period, followed by natural gas. Renewable energy is projected as the fastest-growing energy source through 2050. EIA […]

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Propagandists Run With Flawed Stove Study

Based on a study of a paltry 53 homes in California, researchers with Oakland-based Physicians, Scientists and Engineers for Healthy Energy (PSEHE) and Stanford University estimated that stoves emit between 0.8 and 1.3 percent of the natural gas they consume as unburned methane with three-quarters of these emissions occurring when the devices are shut off, suggesting leaky fittings and connections with gas […]

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