President Obama, Ugly American? 

President Obama, while meeting in Myanmar, which consumes a total of about 45,000 barrels of oil per day and is working to produce and consume more energy to lift its millions out of poverty, trash talks the Keystone XL, which would deliver about 800,000 barrels of oil per day to the US. In his speech, […]

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Hope for Keystone XL in Montana

Radical environmentalists and the Democrats they support consistently and opportunistically denounce the Keystone Pipeline as a harbinger of environmental harm. Frankly, their claims are patently false. Even worse, the wait for Keystone’s approval has caused a great deal of economic instability in the regions dotting its proposed path. Montana’s floundering economy best exemplifies the consequences of […]

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In the Pipeline: 8/6/13

Do you think the protesters drove there? Reuters (8/4/13) reports: “Police arrested more than 200 demonstrators for trespassing at Chevron Corp in the California city of Richmond on Saturday to mark the one-year anniversary of a massive refinery fire and to protest a proposed Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. The arrests came as a throng of sunflower-carrying picketers […]

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In the Pipeline: 7/18/13

Fighting the good fight. AEA (7/18/13) reports: “The American Energy Alliance launched two sets of radio advertisements today educating Americans on the harms of a carbon tax. The ads, which will run in Arizona, Florida, Illinois, New Jersey, and New York, ask listeners to contact Representatives Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.), Patrick Murphy (D-Fla.), Bill Enyart (D-Ill.), Chris Smith […]

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In the Pipeline: 6/28/13

What is the one thing His Majesty says to the Keystone XL pipeline? Not today. Human Events (6/27/13) reports: “President Obama’s declaration of dictatorial, Congress-be-damned war on “climate change” was particularly welcome to hedge-fund billionaire and megabucks Obama donor Tom Steyer. And why not? Steyer stands to make a bundle from his beloved President’s decision. You see, […]

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In the Pipeline: 6/12/13

Is this guy still alive? I figured he drowned after his beach house was overtaken by rising seas. Politico (6/11/13) reports: “Former Vice President Al Gore lamented today that scientists “will not let us link record-breaking” tornadoes in Oklahoma and elsewhere to climate change because of inadequate record keeping on the twisters… ‘But when you put more […]

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In the Pipeline: 6/5/13

It must be so convenient to have an explanation for everything. The Guardian (6/3/13) reports: “Piraino said at least 150,000 people were treated for jellyfish stings around the Mediterranean each summer… Global warming, overfishing and human intervention – especially breakwaters that protect sandy beaches but provide a home for larvae – are all blamed. As predators disappear, […]

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In the Pipeline: 5/22/13

We suspect foul play. The birds are fighting back. E&ENews (5/21/13) reports: “Wind turbine manufacturer Siemens AG confirmed that a 170-foot blade fell off a wind turbine at a power plant east of San Diego, causing the company to cease operations of the same type of turbine globally… Residents near the Ocotillo Wind power plant discovered the […]

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In the Pipeline: 4/24/13

Don’t let your children out of sight: “The more we learn about a gas-drilling practice called hydraulic fracturing—or ‘fracking’—the more we see it as a zenith of violence and disconnect…”Weekly Standard (4/29/13) reports: “Recognizing the significant environmental benefits of natural gas as a source of electric power, some prominent national environmental groups, such as the Environmental Defense […]

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In the Pipeline: 4/23/13

The EPA is completely unhinged. The Hill (4/22/13) reports: “The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) objected Monday to the State Department’s draft review of the proposed Keystone XL oil sands pipeline route, saying it included “insufficient information” on environmental issues.” The negative consequences of government mandates are very real. Rural Coloradans are about to get slapped in the […]

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