Biden Brags About Dismantling Energy Independence

“No one is building new coal plants because they can’t rely on it, even if they have all the coal guaranteed for the rest of their existence of the plant,” Biden said at a recent event touting his administration’s economic policies in Carlsbad, California. He continued to tout: “We’re going to be shutting these plants down all […]

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125 Ways the Biden Administration and Congress Have Made it Harder to Produce Oil & Gas

WASHINGTON DC (11/02/2022) – Joe Biden and Congressional Democrats have a plan for American energy: make it harder to produce and more expensive to purchase. Since President Biden took office, his administration and Congressional Democrats have taken over 125 actions deliberately designed to make it harder to produce energy here in America. A PDF of […]

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Biden’s Energy Policies Leading To Fuel Shortages

According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), the United States now has less than 25 days of diesel stocks, the lowest level since 2008—and down from 34.2 days during the previous four weeks. The fuel is already being rationed in the Northeast, with suppliers in several states forced to conserve heating oil as the winter months […]

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Biden Wants To Copy California’s Train Disaster Across The Country

Florida made the right decision on the high-speed rail project proposed during the Obama administration. Floridians can thank then-Governor Rick Scott for nixing the project. California, however, is in the opposite situation. The bullet train project that was supposed to connect Los Angeles and San Francisco is a $1 trillion fiasco, if it should ever get completed. The […]

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The Unregulated Podcast #102: In The Community

On this episode of The Unregulated Podcast Tom Pyle and Mike McKenna discuss the tottering Biden administration, the tremendous failure of the Manchin permitting “reform” bill, and prospects for the next Congress. Links: Zycher’s Letter to the Editor Friday, 9/30 Jamie Dimon: “That would be the road to Hell for America” Former Obama economist Larry […]

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Biden’s Solar Fantasy An Imminent Disaster

Solar power is to be the savior of President Biden’s climate agenda, being the “green” resource of choice. However, solar power has a number of unfavorable issues that limits its ability to become the savior that the Biden Administration wants. They include: Solar is an intermittent technology that provides no power when the sun does […]

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