House Passes Disapproval of EPA Tailpipe Rule

WASHINGTON DC (9/20/24)– American Energy Alliance President, and founding member of the Save Our Cars Coalition, Thomas Pyle issued the following statement today following House passage of the resolution of disapproval on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) tailpipe emissions rule (H.J. Res. 136):   “In the State of the Union earlier this year, President Biden declared that freedom was […]

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Biden Backs Harris’ Attack On Plastics

Under the Biden-Harris administration, the United States, a leading global producer of plastics, will now back a global treaty aimed at curbing the annual production of new plastics, which is expected to decrease U.S. manufacturing output. Initially, the U.S. favored a framework where individual nations would devise their own strategies, akin to the Paris Agreement, rather than imposing […]

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250 Ways Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the Democrats Have Made it Harder to Produce Oil & Gas

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and their Democrats have a plan for American energy: make it harder to produce and more expensive to purchase. Since Biden and Harris took office, their administration, and their Democratic allies have taken over 250 actions deliberately designed to make it harder to produce energy here in America.  A list of […]

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Candidate Profile: Tim Walz on Energy

On August 6, 2024, Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris chose Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her vice presidential running mate. As a Congressman representing Minnesota’s First District, and more recently as Governor of the State of Minnesota, Walz has consistently pursued policies that threaten the ability of people to access affordable and reliable energy. Early […]

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Tim Walz Worse On Energy Than California’s Gavin Newsom

Tim Walz, V.P. Kamala Harris’s choice as her vice presidential running mate and Governor of Minnesota, has one of the most extreme state-level records on “clean energy” in the United States, rivaling Governor Newsom in California. In 2023, Walz signed into law a target for Minnesota to get 100 percent of its power from zero-carbon sources by 2040, having […]

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