In the Pipeline: 3/22/13

The brains of this operation are hard at work. IER (3/21/13) reports: “IER President Thomas Pyle sent letters to all 50 U.S. governors this week, detailing how pro-growth policies for energy development on federal lands could redound to the economic prosperity of their states… The letters represent the next phase of IER’s nation-wide strategy to educate policy […]

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In the Pipeline: 3/19/13

I think it goes something like: “You give them an inch, and they come after you with a chainsaw for your puppies and freedom.” E&ENews(3/18/13) reports: “A group of leading economists — including Nobel Prize winners Kenneth Arrow, William Sharpe, Thomas Sargent and Joseph Stiglitz — called on President Obama to back a carbon price on […]

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In the Pipeline: 3/13/13

I suppose China, a nuclearized North Korea, and Islamic militants in the Philippines are largely trivial matters. I also assume this means that the Navy will start shelling powerplants, refineries, and automobile factories. Boston Globe (3/12/13) reports: “America’s top military officer in charge of monitoring hostile actions by North Korea, escalating tensions between China and Japan, and […]

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In the Pipeline: 3/1/13

This is going to be fun. We’ll see you in Houston on the 9th.      At every turn, the story behind wind energy gets more depressing. It’s like a kid who starts out in Mom and Dad’s basement after Harvard; it’s cute for a few months, and then you realize they may never leave. Green […]

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In the Pipeline: 2/27/13

If you want to throw down fisticuffs, fine. Pyle’s got Jack Johnson and Tom O’Leary waiting for ya, right here. National Journal (2/26/13) reports: “As passionate as these protests may be, the reality is that the oil in Alberta will go somewhere, and no amount of plastic zip ties — made from refined petroleum products, I might […]

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In the Pipeline: 2/13/13

It can’t be worse than what most University of Colorado students consume on a regular basis. Washington Times (2/12/13) reports: “Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper went to unusually great lengths to learn firsthand the strides the oil and gas industry has made to minimize environmental harm from fracking… The first-term Democrat and former Denver mayor told a Senate committee […]

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In the Pipeline: 2/12/13

Thank you for your service, Mr. Romesha. Washington Free Beacon(2/11/13) reports: “Former Staff Sgt. Clinton Romesha (ROE-muh-shay), 31, will receive the Medal of Honor today for heroic actions during the day-long attack on Combat Outpost Keating in Afghanistan… More than 300 Taliban attacked Keating early in the morning of Oct. 3, 2009, from all four sides […]

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In the Pipeline: 1/14/13

Coming in at number 3 on the laundry list of your progressive rights (after condoms and the Internet), you have the right to pursue sunlight that may or may not hit your outrageously expensive solar panels that have been installed by the ‘market’ – cough, coercion – but who cares!  You won’t have to worry […]

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In the Pipeline: 1/4/13

Why has Gov. Cuomo been sitting on a state report that shows that hydraulic fracturing is safe? What does he have against job creation and economic growth in upstate New York? NYTimes(1/3/13) reports: “The state’s Health Department found in an analysis it prepared early last year that the much-debated drilling technology known as hydrofracking could be […]

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In the Pipeline: 10/23/12

It is very rare indeed when AEA thinks the Denver Post gets it right.  Please read carefully, because it may never happen again. Denver Post(10/22/12) reports: “We can think of at least four major reasons why Longmont voters should reject Question 300, a ban on hydraulic fracturing within city limits… 1. The courts will almost certainly […]

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