California’s Chaos Isn’t Enough For Biden And Harris

Former Vice President and Democratic Party presidential nominee Joe Biden is setting aside $2 trillion for his “clean energy” plan that would replace fossil fuels on the electrical grid by 2035—10 years earlier than California’s state goal. California currently requires 60 percent of its generation to come from renewable energy by 2030 and 100 percent […]

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Biden ‘Forgot’ He Supports The Green New Deal

Biden waffled in the first presidential debate of the general election season on whether his climate plan was the “Green New Deal” or the “Biden plan” despite his campaign website saying, “Biden believes the Green New Deal is a crucial framework for meeting the climate challenges we face.” Democratic nominee Biden said, “The Green New […]

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AEA To Newsom: Consumers Should Be in the Driver’s Seat, Not Bureaucrats

Executive order banning gasoline-powered vehicles not only a bad idea, but insulting to consumers WASHINGTON DC (September 23, 2020) –Thomas Pyle, President of the American Energy Alliance (AEA), issued the following statement in response to the executive order signed by California Governor Gavin Newsom that directs the California Air Resources Board to ban new gasoline-fueled vehicles […]

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California Previews Biden’s Energy Plan

California does it again. In 2001, California experienced rolling blackouts due to energy market manipulation by energy wholesalers and a shortage of pipelines. Now, Californians are again facing rolling blackouts, and this time it is due to California’s forced reliance on solar and wind power. Due to a severe heatwave and without the wind blowing and the […]

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