Free Market Coalition to Congress: No Electric Vehicle Tax Credit Expansion

WASHINGTON – Today, a coalition of 34 organizations, led by the American Energy Alliance, sent a letter to several members of Congress expressing their unified opposition to any effort to expand the electric vehicle tax credit. The coalition includes the Texas Public Policy Foundation, FreedomWorks, Heritage Action for America, the Competitive Enterprise Institute and 30 others stating […]

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Free Market Coalition Urges Congress: Don’t Extend the Electric Vehicle Tax Credit

WASHINGTON – In light of recent conversations in Washington surrounding the electric vehicle tax credit, this afternoon, a coalition of 28 free market policy groups, led by the American Energy Alliance, sent a letter to House and Senate leaders objecting to any expansion of the federal electric vehicle tax credit. The letter encourages Republican congressional leaders to reject attempts by the EV […]

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AEA Applauds President Trump’s Call to Eliminate EV Subsidies

WASHINGTON – This afternoon President Trump tweeted his intent to cut subsidies for electric vehicles. GM, which has been lobbying for an expansion of the federal tax credit, recently announced their intent to close a number of U.S. and Canadian plants. AEA applauds President Trump for opposing these costly federal subsidies. AEA President Thomas Pyle made the following […]

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