NRDC Jumps for Joy Over Court Win for EPA

  The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) was ecstatic over the recent appellate court ruling, upholding the EPA’s power to regulate carbon dioxide emissions under the Clean Air Act. Yet the NRDC’s description misleads the innocent reader on several crucial points. Contrary to their claims, federal regulations in the energy and transportation sectors won’t help […]

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'The Fracking Miracle'

  WASHINGTON DC — The Institute for Energy Research, in a joint venture with The Heritage Foundation, released today a video telling the story of economic freedom, energy abundance, and job creation that are happening in North Dakota’s oil-rich Bakken shale formation. “A Fracking Miracle” provides first-person narratives of lives transformed, record employment, and economies […]

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Regulations and American Refineries

  American refineries are closing and more closures are likely, often because of overly-burdensome regulation as well as lower gasoline demand. Several refineries in Pennsylvania are idle and possibly closing if no buyers come forward. The refining industry is one of the most highly regulated in the country and has been struggling for years to […]

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Federal Intervention in Energy Markets Isn’t SAFE

The proponents of laissez-faire in energy markets keep winning argument after argument, but their critics keep moving the goalposts. For decades, Americans have been warned that they needed to wean themselves from oil because the U.S. would always be dependent on hostile foreign regimes. Now that new technological developments and further discoveries have shown that […]

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Death and Toxins: How Krugman Botched His Mercury Commentary

  Critics of NYT columnist and blogger Paul Krugman know that the economist—who won his Nobel award for work on international trade—has a habit of carelessly repeating the “facts” on environmental issues put out by his liberal colleagues. Yet Krugman’s blog post on the EPA’s decision to regulate mercury emissions from power plants was so factually mistaken […]

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Ghost Town? How onerous regulations are killing a Craig, Colorado

For Immediate Release February 21, 2012 WASHINGTON D.C. —  The American Energy Alliance released Tuesday a video telling the story of Craig, Colo., a small town of approximately 10,000 people and home to the Centennial State’s largest coal-fired power generating plant.  But due to Colorado’s energy mandate that requires 30 percent of the state’s electricity generation come […]

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