Working Group Broke the Rules With Its 'Social Cost of Carbon' Estimate

In my recent testimony to the Senate Environmental and Public Works committee, I explained that (among its other problems) the Obama Administration’s Working Group on climate change had explicitly ignored the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) guidelines stating that cost/benefit analyses had to be conducted using both a 3 percent and a 7 percent […]

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Fed Up With Ethanol, Boaters and Bikers Search for Alternatives

One of the many problems with the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) is that it requires refiners to blend increasing amounts of ethanol into motor fuel, even though ethanol can damage engines. Gasoline blended with even as little as 10 percent ethanol can accelerate engine failure in boats, motorcycles, lawnmowers, and other small engines. Musa Agil […]

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Free Market Coalition Supports Murphy Amendment

WASHINGTON — The American Energy Alliance was joined today by eight other free market organizations in support of Rep. Tim Murphy’s (R-Pa.) amendment to H.R. 1582, The Energy Consumers Relief Act of 2013. The Murphy amendment protects Americans by requiring the Environmental Protection Agency to follow public and transparent procedures when utilizing a “social cost of carbon” […]

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In the Pipeline: 7/23/13

She’s ready. Are you? The Daily Caller (7/22/13) reports: “In an address to staff, the newly confirmed Environmental Protection Agency chief stated that regulators had the ‘responsibility’ to take on global warming, per the president’s call to action. ‘We have a clear responsibility to act now on climate change,’ said EPA administrator Gina McCarthy. ‘That’s what President […]

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In the Pipeline: 7/5/13

You read that right. China burns five times more coal than the United States. Now that we’ve learned about the scope of our government surveillance of us, what, exactly, is our selling point over the Chinese? The Daily Caller (7/2/13) reports: “The climate change policy that President Barack Obama proposed last week panders to environmentalists’ visions of […]

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In the Pipeline: 6/27/13

A little more Tom Pyle hype you can believe in. Breaking Energy (6/24/13) reports: “The Washington, DC-based Institute for Energy Research’s message is clear: Government intervention in energy markets is counter-productive. The organization believes this to be the case even in dealing with climate change. The IER is a think tank with an emphasis on a free […]

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In the Pipeline: 6/26/13

You should believe Tom Pyle’s hype. Because it is not hype; it is true. Even EPA has had to admit that there has yet to be a single instance where hydraulic fracturing led to drinking water contamination. As for the promise and potential of natural gas; that is obvious anywhere you go in the producing […]

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In the Pipeline: 6/21/13

We loved our time in New Mexico last summer. KRQE (6/19/13) reports: “Tight school budgets have New Mexico schools trying to find different ways to raise money. The Carlsbad Municipal School District is doing it by pumping black gold. The district’s director of finance said nearly seven acres owned by the district aren’t being used, so why […]

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In the Pipeline: 6/10/13

Somewhere down the road, we might find ourselves switching back to PCs. You see, Apple used to be led by a man who was disturbed by the stifling impact of government on business and innovation in this country. Jobs was able to navigate this business environment and still build incredible value for all stakeholders. Today, […]

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