10 Myths Behind Submitting a State Implementation Plan (SIP)

Now that the so-called “Clean Power Plan” is finalized, the EPA is pressuring states to develop implementation plans (SIP). States should not submit implementation plans. Attorneys left and right believe EPA’s carbon regulations are likely illegal. Therefore, before saddling their residents with higher electricity costs and consigning their states to a federal energy takeover, states […]

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Gov. Snyder Surrenders to Obama’s EPA

WASHINGTON – American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle issued the below statement following Governor Snyder’s announcement that he plans to implement EPA’s harmful carbon regulations: “The Snyder administration’s decision to wave the white flag and implement EPA’s carbon regulation is bad news for Michigan families. The governor claims this approach ‘retains control’ for Michigan, yet […]

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For Minorities, Obama’s Carbon Plan is Justice Denied

The Obama administration recently finalized EPA’s so-called “Clean Power Plan”, which will require states to slash carbon dioxide emissions from power plants. The administration calls this regulation an “environmental justice” issue, claiming that the poor and minorities stand to benefit the most. However, EPA’s carbon rule is actually a regressive energy tax on the poor […]

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Are Americans Being Punished for China’s Pollution?

While financial analysts consider the impact of how China’s devaluing of the Yuan may affect the country’s exports, residents of western states are receiving one Chinese export for free—pollution. According to a new study supported by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and NASA, ozone precursor emissions from China are blowing across the Pacific Ocean and […]

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Obama’s Carbon Plan Could Cause Thousands of Premature Deaths

Earlier this month, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized its so-called “Clean Power Plan,” or carbon rule, which regulates carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants. Although EPA claims that the benefits of the rule are substantial, in reality it will have negative repercussions for Americans, especially the most vulnerable. In fact, by our estimate, […]

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Mounting Opposition to EPA’s Carbon Rule

AEA Launches Initiative Detailing How States and the Public are Fighting Back WASHINGTON – Today, the American Energy Alliance is launching SmartPowerPlan.org—a hub for the latest information on how states and the public are fighting back against the EPA’s so-called Clean Power Plan. This one-stop shop provides the latest news, legal analysis, public comments, and state action […]

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Coalition to Congress: Support PTC Elimination Act

The American Energy Alliance joined this week with 19 other organizations in opposition to the wasteful wind Production Tax Credit (PTC). In a letter to the House of Representatives, the coalition encourages Members to support H.R. 1901, a bill introduced by Congressmen Marchant and Pompeo earlier this year to eliminate the wind PTC. Below is an excerpt from the letter: […]

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