AEA Applauds Selection of Oklahoma AG Scott Pruitt to Run EPA 

WASHINGTON – The American Energy Alliance applauds President-elect Trump’s selection of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to be the next Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator. AEA Vice President of Communications Chris Warren issued the following statement: “Attorney General Pruitt has been a champion for consumers and working-class families in Oklahoma. We know he will do the […]

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Show Your Work

While the EPA is aggressively pushing its new regulatory agenda, they’re still happy to hide the science behind these decisions from the American people. Many of these regulations could cost billions of dollars, by the EPA’s own estimates, but they still refuse to make the basis for their new rules public. It’s time for the EPA […]

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Top Questions for EPA Admin. Gina McCarthy

On Wednesday, February 25,  EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy will testify before a joint hearing of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittees on Energy and Power and Environment and the Economy. This hearing offers lawmakers an opportunity to question the Administrator about her agency’s Existing Source Rule for power plants—also known as the “Clean Power Plan”—which […]

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No, Republicans Don’t Really Support EPA’s Climate Agenda

Misinformation abounds at Yale University’s School of Forestry & Environmental Studies. The university’s Project on Climate Change Communication released a new survey that is grabbing headlines but is riddled with flaws. The survey claims that “Republican voters are actually split in their views about climate change,” with a majority of “moderate” Republicans supporting EPA’s proposed […]

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EPA Torture Report

Whether it’s the costliest regulation in history or the coal-killing power plant rules (that Obama’s law professor says raise “constitutional questions”), it’s clear that the CIA isn’t the only government agency engaged in torture. At least the CIA isn’t torturing Americans.

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U.S. Electricity Grid Overseer Concerned EPA Regulations Harm Reliability

Will EPA’s regulations on carbon dioxide emissions from power plants result in reduced reliability of the electricity grid? Yes, according to the national electricity grid overseer—the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC). NERC recently released an initial reliability review of the potential risks to reliability. Using the assumptions in EPA’s report, NERC found that “Essential […]

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Is EPA Shutting Down Your Power Plant?

A recent report from the Institute for Energy Research revealed that 72.7 gigawatts (GW) of power have closed or are scheduled to close because of EPA’s Mercury and Air Toxics Rule (colloquially called MATS or Utility MACT), the proposed Cross State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR), and the recently proposed restrictions on carbon dioxide emissions from […]

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Politics not Policy Guiding the RFS

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is required by law to set the amount of biofuel they will require to be blended with gasoline for the following year. They are tasked with doing this before December to give businesses some idea of what their mandates will be for the upcoming year. But we are more than […]

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Cellulosic Ethanol Continues to Fail

In 2007, President Bush signed the Energy Independence and Security Act. The bill amended the Renewable Fuel Standard and mandated that increasing amounts of cellulosic ethanol be blended with gasoline and diesel every year, with the provision that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) may reduce the mandated amounts. But year after year, the technological advances […]

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