Exposing Biden’s Lies On Gas Prices

Joe Biden’s administration and certain elements in Congress have a plan for American energy: make it harder to produce and more expensive to purchase. Our friends at the Institute for Energy Research have shown the juxtaposition between the administration’s words and deeds on this topic in their latest video short. Since Biden took office, his […]

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Democrats Double Down On Costly SPR Policies

Biden’s Department of Energy will not be refilling the nation’s emergency reserves, the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, any time soon as the agency has rejected bids received for the February fill since the bids are above $70 a barrel. Today’s price for Texas Intermediate oil is $75.87 a barrel. Biden depleted the emergency oil reserve of 260 […]

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Rumors of Coal’s Demise are Greatly Exaggerated

Coal generation worldwide is expected to increase to a new record in 2022, driven by robust coal power growth in India and the European Union and by increases in China. In Europe, high natural gas prices led to fuel switching to coal in electricity generation. However, both natural gas and coal generation increased due to […]

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Transmission Permitting is Broken

Net zero proponents, such as Net Zero America at Princeton University, believe the United States needs to build between 2x and 5x as much electricity transmission as we have today. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory estimates that to meet President Biden’s goal of a zero-carbon gird by 2035, the transmission capacity must increase up to […]

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Biden Backs Corrupt Dictators Over American Energy Producers

President Biden is continuing with his program of “anywhere but the United States” when it comes to oil investment and future production. The United States is allowing Chevron to resume pumping oil from its Venezuelan oil fields that U.S. sanctions had halted almost three years ago. The license was granted to Chevron after President Nicolás Maduro’s government agreed to […]

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The Unregulated Podcast #110: In a Dark Room

On this episode of The Unregulated Podcast Tom Pyle and Mike McKenna discuss Europe’s energy emergency and a week of crowded headlines. Links: Bo Jackson Tom Pyle on Varney EU hooked on LNG Chris Sununu Interview Yellowstone clip American Energy Alliance · #110: In a Dark Room (12/2/22)

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