Top 8 Ways to Rein in DOE Spending

Next week, the House will consider the FY 2016 DOE Appropriations bill. The Department of Energy has extended its reach into areas that are outside the bounds of the proper federal role with regard to energy. It should serve the public by providing basic research and development that is energy-source neutral and maintain the national […]

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Obama’s Budget: A Masterpiece of Energy Wastefulness

President Obama just released his fiscal 2015 budget[i] that spends lavishly on his pet projects including his epically-misnamed “all of the above” energy program. But, instead of keeping miners in their coal jobs that historically supplied the nation with most of its electricity, he is putting his dollars on ‘clean coal and natural gas’; instead of opening […]

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In the Pipeline: 7/22/13

Do you think the fractivists will drop it? Something tells us they have other motivations. The Associated Press (7/19/13) reports: “A landmark federal study on hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, shows no evidence that chemicals from the natural gas drilling process moved up to contaminate drinking water aquifers at a western Pennsylvania drilling site, the Department of Energy […]

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In the Pipeline: 7/8/13

A fitting and ironic end. Unfortunately, the damage done by the peak oil disciples will not be unwound quite so abruptly. The Oil Drum (7/3/13) reports: “A few weeks ago the ISEOF board (The Institute for Energy and Our Future that facilitates The Oil Drum), Euan, Super G, JoulesBurn, and Myself, met to discuss the future of […]

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In the Pipeline: 6/14/13

After all, we’re just on a big hamster wheel at the Obama administration’s service. Daily Caller (6/13/13) report: “The White House raised its estimates of the social cost of carbon dioxide emissions from $21 per metric ton to $35 per metric ton, but critics say that there is ‘little ‘science’ behind the whopping numbers.’… ‘The ‘social cost […]

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Drawing the Wrong Line in the Sand

  The New Yorker’s Elizabeth Kolbert recently published a comment entitled “Lines in the Sand,” arguing that President Obama should not approve the Keystone XL pipeline because of the climate impacts of using oil. Kolbert’s argument is flawed for multiple reasons including the fact that she fails to consider the actual climate impact and the […]

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In the Pipeline: 3/25/13

Show me the Moniz. ProPublica (3/20/13) reports: “When President Obama nominated Ernest Moniz to be energy secretary earlier this month, he hailed the nuclear physicist as a “brilliant scientist” who, among his many talents, had effectively brought together “prominent thinkers and energy companies” in the continuing effort to figure out a safe and economically sound energy future […]

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In the Pipeline: 2/4/13

A government owned stadium, powered by a heavily regulated electricity infrastructure, all pushed hurriedly towards unreliable, taxpayer funded green energy? What could go wrong? DOE (2/3/13) reports: “To make this the greenest Super Bowl, the New Orleans Host Committee has partnered with fans and the community to offset energy use across the major Super Bowl venues. The […]

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In the Pipeline: 11/13/12

Join The Hill and AEA for breakfast tomorrow at the Hyatt Regency for a discussion on the fate of the Wind PTC. RSVP here.    IER STUDY: CARBON TAX PLAGUED BY THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL PROBLEMS. IER (11/13/12) reports: “The Institute for Energy Research released today a new study exposing the fallacies of so-called revenue-neutral carbon tax swaps, an […]

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