Rep. Xochitl Torres Small is Out of Step With Her District

Last month the American Energy Alliance released its 2020 American Energy Scorecard results for the House of Representatives.  The AEA scorecard scores voting and co-sponsorship decisions on legislation affecting energy and environmental policy, educating voters on how their representatives vote and holding members accountable for those decisions.   The scorecard is guided by principles such as:  […]

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Rep. Colin Allred is Out of Step With His District

Last month the American Energy Alliance released its 2020 American Energy Scorecard results for the House of Representatives.  The AEA scorecard scores voting and co-sponsorship decisions on legislation affecting energy and environmental policy, educating voters on how their representatives vote and holding members accountable for those decisions.   The scorecard is guided by principles such as:  […]

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Rep. Lizzie Fletcher is Out of Step With Her District

Last month the American Energy Alliance released its 2020 American Energy Scorecard results for the House of Representatives.  The AEA scorecard scores voting and co-sponsorship decisions on legislation affecting energy and environmental policy, educating voters on how their representatives vote and holding members accountable for those decisions.   The scorecard is guided by principles such as:  […]

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AEA Promotes House & Senate Energy Champions in 2020 Scorecard

As ballots arrive across America, voters have a right to knowwhich representatives support affordable energy. WASHINGTON DC (September 16, 2020) – The American Energy Alliance (AEA), the country’s premier pro-consumer, pro-taxpayer, and free-market energy organization, has released its 2020 energy scorecard promoting energy champions and flagging those who ‘need attention’ as voters across the nation […]

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American Energy Alliance 2020 House of Representatives Scorecard

This week the American Energy Alliance released its American Energy Scorecard for the House of Representatives.  The AEA scorecard scores voting and co-sponsorship decisions on legislation affecting energy and environmental policy, educating voters on how their representatives’ vote and holding members accountable for those decisions.  This year’s scorecard compiles 18 votes and 2 co-sponsorship decisions […]

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American Energy Alliance 2020 Senate Scorecard

This week the American Energy Alliance released its American Energy Scorecard for the United States Senate.  The AEA scorecard scores voting and co-sponsorship decisions on legislation affecting energy and environmental policy, educating voters on how their representatives’ vote and holding members accountable for those decisions.  This year’s Senate scorecard compiles 23 votes and 1 co-sponsorship […]

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More Climate Catastrophizing from Democrats on the Hill

Senate Democrats are rolling out their own “climate action” document, much in the same vein as the “Climate Crisis Action Plan” released earlier this summer by House Democrats. Senate Dems’ “Case for Climate Action” says global warming is “scary stuff” and that by following their plans Americans will have better technology, cheaper energy, and “things […]

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Senate Democrats’ Climate “Report” Recycles Biden’s Failed Green Jobs Policies of 2009

WASHINGTON DC (August 25, 2020) – The American Energy Alliance, the country’s premier pro-consumer, pro-taxpayer, and free-market energy organization, responded to the long-awaited Senate Democrats latest plan on how they would steer the federal government on the issue of climate change. Thomas Pyle, president of the American Energy Alliance, issued the following statement in reaction […]

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Key Vote NO on H.R. 1957

The American Energy Alliance urges all members to vote NO on H.R. 1957 as amended by the Senate with the text of the Great American Outdoors Act.  The federal government already owns far more land than it can adequately manage, which is part of the reason for the large maintenance backlog this bill tries to address. […]

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