Top Reasons Congress Should Reject a Gas Tax Hike

Congress created the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) in 1956 to fund construction of the Interstate Highway System. The HTF is funded primarily though an 18.4-cent per gallon federal excise tax on gasoline. Funding for the HTF expires May 31, and with the HTF facing a budget shortfall, some in Congress have proposed raising the federal […]

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AEA Launches Congressional Energy Scorecard

WASHINGTON DC – Today, the American Energy Alliance (AEA) announced the launch of a major education and accountability initiative, the American Energy Scorecard. With energy at the top of the agenda for the 114th Congress, AEA is unveiling the nation’s first and only free-market congressional energy accountability scorecard. The American Energy Scorecard educates lawmakers about the […]

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Another Sweetheart Deal for Big Wind?

WASHINGTON — American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle issued the following statement about the House Republicans’ proposed tax extenders deal: “The wind PTC was a bad idea yesterday, it’s a bad idea today, and it will be a bad idea tomorrow. “Over twenty percent of this extenders deal, nearly $10 billion, is a handout to AWEA […]

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Have Lawmakers Turned Their Backs on Keystone XL?

  WASHINGTON D.C. — On breaking news that a congressional conference report for the transportation bill will not include a provision forcing the approval of the Keystone XL Pipeline, American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle issued the following statement: “House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Leader Harry Reid seem ready to push a major, multi-billion […]

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Manufactured Myths: No Substitute for Real Energy Policy

AEA Urges Lawmakers to Focus on American Energy Access WASHINTON,DC— Inanticipation of tomorrow’s Congressionalhearingson the status of new American energy development, AmericanEnergy Alliance(AEA) Director of Federal Affairs Kevin Kennedy highlighted the extensiveshort-term and long-term economic benefits Americans stand to gain if Congressallows more access to domestic energy exploration and production: “Ifthese hearings bring forth the […]

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