In the Pipeline: 10/15/12

Promise made. Promise kept. Watch our latest ad:   Here is the deal.  It turns out you can’t get rid of an affordable, reliable energy source (like nuclear), and rely on an expensive, unreliable source (like solar and wind), without increase the cost to ratepayers (like me and you). Renewable Energy World (10/12/12) reports: “German Chancellor Angela […]

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In the Pipeline: 10/12/12

Vice President Gore won his Nobel Prize for his “work” on climate change.  But you know, the market doesn’t really care about that.  They only care that he keeps backing losers. The Street(10/4/12) reports: “Three years ago, First Solar seemed on its way: Interest in solar was at an all-time-high — as were subsidies for making, […]

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In the Pipeline: 10/9/12

It really is quite simple. More energy = more jobs.   Doubling down on the automobile mandate does make sense, if you are in favor of more deaths on the highway, a $3000 increase in the average price of a car, pricing millions out of the new car market, and limiting consumer choice. White House (10/8/12) reports: […]

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In the Pipeline: 10/5/12

This fight is far from over. And if you haven’t signed your name on the bus, it’s pretty much the cool thing to do these days.    As the Greeks sing during Mass:  Wisdom!  Let us be attentive! Reuters(10/4/12) reports: “Mitt Romney’s support of the coal industry during his debate with President Obama sent coal company […]

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In the Pipeline: 9/28/12

This is a short read, but it shreds the ridiculous idea that national security is somehow significantly tangled up with global warming. Marshall Institute (2012) reports: “There is no empirical proof for the causal connections between climate change and conflict.  For climate change to create security problems, a host of environmental, economic, social, and military steps must […]

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AEA to Congress: Stop the War on Coal

WASHINGTON D.C. — American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle sent a letter today to all members of the U.S. House of Representatives to urge their support of H.R. 3409, the “Stop the War on Coal Act of 2012.” “For nearly four years, the Obama administration has directed an aggressive regulatory assault on American families, pumping […]

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The President's War on Coal

  Representative Doc Hastings, chairman of the Committee on Natural Resources, published an op-ed in Politico today highlighting the Obama administration’s campaign against coal and affordable energy. While the administration certainly preaches an “all of the above” energy policy, their actions penalize and demonize coal and other affordable and reliable sources of energy. While the […]

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Death and Toxins: How Krugman Botched His Mercury Commentary

  Critics of NYT columnist and blogger Paul Krugman know that the economist—who won his Nobel award for work on international trade—has a habit of carelessly repeating the “facts” on environmental issues put out by his liberal colleagues. Yet Krugman’s blog post on the EPA’s decision to regulate mercury emissions from power plants was so factually mistaken […]

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