Biden Takes Parting Shot At American Coal Producers

The Biden-Harris administration is halting new coal leases in the Powder River Basin, ensuring that the U.S. will cease coal production there after 2041. The Powder River Basin, located in northeast Wyoming and parts of southeast Montana, is the largest coal mining area in the country. It produces subbituminous coal, prized for its low sulfur content, which is […]

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Rumors of Coal’s Demise are Greatly Exaggerated

Coal generation worldwide is expected to increase to a new record in 2022, driven by robust coal power growth in India and the European Union and by increases in China. In Europe, high natural gas prices led to fuel switching to coal in electricity generation. However, both natural gas and coal generation increased due to […]

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Biden Resumes Obama’s “War on Coal” As Americans Face Record Energy Prices

A federal judge reinstated a moratorium on coal leasing from federal lands that had been implemented during the Obama administration and was lifted under President Donald Trump. The ruling from U.S. District Judge Brian Morris requires government officials to conduct a new environmental review prior to resuming coal sales from federal lands. According to the judge, the government’s […]

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In the Pipeline: 7/18/13

Fighting the good fight. AEA (7/18/13) reports: “The American Energy Alliance launched two sets of radio advertisements today educating Americans on the harms of a carbon tax. The ads, which will run in Arizona, Florida, Illinois, New Jersey, and New York, ask listeners to contact Representatives Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.), Patrick Murphy (D-Fla.), Bill Enyart (D-Ill.), Chris Smith […]

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In the Pipeline: 7/5/13

You read that right. China burns five times more coal than the United States. Now that we’ve learned about the scope of our government surveillance of us, what, exactly, is our selling point over the Chinese? The Daily Caller (7/2/13) reports: “The climate change policy that President Barack Obama proposed last week panders to environmentalists’ visions of […]

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In the Pipeline: 3/1/13

This is going to be fun. We’ll see you in Houston on the 9th.      At every turn, the story behind wind energy gets more depressing. It’s like a kid who starts out in Mom and Dad’s basement after Harvard; it’s cute for a few months, and then you realize they may never leave. Green […]

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