In the Pipeline: 6/25/13

His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire. Politico (6/24/13) reports: “Barack Obama’s Tuesday speech on climate change puts Democrats on defense in coal country. Republicans see the president’s forthcoming announcement of new regulations to cut carbon emissions as […]

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In the Pipeline: 6/24/13

Really, the President is going to put the heat on consumers, because they are the ones who are going to have to pay for all this nonsense. Politico Pro (6/21/13) reports: “President Barack Obama is preparing to bypass Congress on climate change and use his executive powers on everything from power plants to energy standards for appliances. […]

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In the Pipeline: 6/11/13

We mentioned the “social cost of carbon” last week, but here’s the full analysis. The Obama administration is quietly making it easier for their “benefit” numbers to go head to head against costs. IER (6/6/13) reports: “The very concept of the ‘social cost of carbon’ is not nearly as objective and scientific as, say, the charge on […]

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In the Pipeline: 6/4/13

Let’s talk about energy subsidies (on Friday). Join us with the National Review for lunch and a “High Noon Debate” to talk about the energy subsidy experiment.  Greenpeace has given you permission to not feel guilty about climate change. You see, oil companies are using your honorable sense of personal responsibility as a weapon against your consciousness. (Heads up: this […]

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In the Pipeline: 5/31/13

For some of us, this hits close to home. So I have a few suggestions: Quit bragging about the non-stop flights that are offered from Newark to Jackson. Shut down the tram (it runs on coal). Stop selling skis, boots, jackets and goggles because they are made with carbon-based petrochemicals. And those of us who […]

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In the Pipeline: 5/28/13

Here’s the thing. Even if Congress passed us a law that gave us cash to become tall and good-looking, we would still remain balding, overfed, leaping gnomes. So it is with physics. The federal government can’t just incentivize things into existence. The Atlantic (5/26/13) reports: “Electric car infrastructure company Better Place’s move to file bankruptcy today marks […]

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In the Pipeline: 5/21/13

Guns don’t kill birds; turbines kill birds. IER (5/20/13) reports: “Besides receiving federal subsidies and other financial incentives, the wind industry is getting special treatment from the Obama Administration: wind farms are allowed to kill protected bird species. The Associated Press has found that the Obama Administration has never fined or prosecuted a wind farm for killing […]

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In the Pipeline: 5/20/13

We’re not surprised, but that doesn’t make this any less unsettling. Washington Examiner (5/17/13) reports: “Two powerful congressional Republicans want to know more – a lot more – about why and how Environmental Protection Agency officials have for several years erected multiple obstacles to conservative think tanks, media outlets and non-profit activists filing Freedom of Information Act […]

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In the Pipeline: 5/8/13

Their machine is impressive and sinister. The goal is to “Organize for Automation”, remove your individual identity, and replace it with a lump of collectivity.    Drinking champagne every night sounds appealing too, but there’s a reason most people don’t do it. Civitas Institute (5/8/13) reports: “North Carolinians oppose the state law requiring utility companies to purchase […]

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