Public’s Collective ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ on Climate Change

President Obama and the leaders of nearly 200 countries are meeting in Paris to discuss an agreement on climate change. Despite the president’s focus on climate policy, three recent polls show the public isn’t especially concerned about climate change and that any concern they do have is waning. Recent polls by GlobeScan, Langer Research Associates, […]

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10 Reasons to Oppose a Carbon Tax

A “carbon tax” is a tax on energy. Through July 2015, over 80 percent of domestic energy consumption came from natural gas, oil, and coal. A carbon tax would impose an indirect tax on these fuels due to their carbon dioxide emissions. Below are ten reasons carbon taxes should be opposed: 1). It is a […]

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Study: Divestment Hurts College Students

National environmental lobbyists are ramping up campaigns at college campuses urging the “divestment” of natural resources from university endowments, falsely equating investments in energy production to profiting off of environmental “wreckage.” Members of the radical movement are convinced that cutting oil, natural gas, and coal out of universities’ portfolios will hurt energy companies financially and […]

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Gov. Snyder Surrenders to Obama’s EPA

WASHINGTON – American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle issued the below statement following Governor Snyder’s announcement that he plans to implement EPA’s harmful carbon regulations: “The Snyder administration’s decision to wave the white flag and implement EPA’s carbon regulation is bad news for Michigan families. The governor claims this approach ‘retains control’ for Michigan, yet […]

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Obama’s Carbon Rule Still a Bad Deal for Americans

WASHINGTON — American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle issued the following statement following the Obama administration’s announcement of their final carbon rule: “The final version of President Obama’s ‘Clean Power Plan’ is somehow more harmful than the proposed rule. It forces states to make even steeper cuts, it guts natural gas in favor of costly […]

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Mounting Opposition to EPA’s Carbon Rule

AEA Launches Initiative Detailing How States and the Public are Fighting Back WASHINGTON – Today, the American Energy Alliance is launching—a hub for the latest information on how states and the public are fighting back against the EPA’s so-called Clean Power Plan. This one-stop shop provides the latest news, legal analysis, public comments, and state action […]

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Clinton’s Anti-Energy Pledge Would Make Electricity Rates Skyrocket

Hillary Clinton recently proposed a “comprehensive energy and climate agenda,” which includes increasing installed solar capacity to 140 gigawatts (GW) by 2020. She claims this would be achieved by installing 500 million more solar panels across the country, and doing so would increase the current solar capacity by 700 percent: a 32 percent annual growth rate. […]

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10 Reasons States Should Not Submit a State Plan

The EPA is set to finalize its “Clean Power Plan”, or Climate Rule, in the next few months. The proposed rule will dramatically harm American families and businesses with little to no benefits to show for it—environmental or otherwise. Many also consider the proposed rule to be a federal takeover of the electricity system, traditionally […]

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