In the Pipeline: 11/26/12

We agree with Senator Vitter.  We do rock. Larry Kudlow Show, begins at 1:21:00 (11/17/12):  “I’d love to direct your listeners to a really good website . . . it’s by the Institute for Energy Research, which is a pro-domestic energy think tank, and they have a long list of action item possibilities from the Obama administration […]

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More Scare Tactics on Climate Regulations

  Bjorn Lomborg has a great article in Foreign Policy walking through the problems with a major new study warning of the need for government action on climate change in order to avoid millions (!) of deaths. Lomborg’s critique shows how the climate change debate, especially as it’s reported in the major media, is full […]

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In the Pipeline: 10/30/12

Before you got out of bed this morning, these men stuck their heads between two rocks, 500 feet beneath the surface, to deliver the abundant, affordable, and reliable energy that powers our way of life.  So thank a coal miner when you plunk down five bucks for your grande, skinny, half-caf, soy Frappuccino on your […]

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In the Pipeline: 10/17/12

This video makes us laugh.  Until we remember that we are paying for this mess. Michigan Capitol Confidential (10/8/12) reports: “In the video, Gov. Granholm’s press conference on A123 Systems was interrupted by a phone call… It was President Obama on the line to remind the audience that it was his American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that […]

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In the Pipeline: 10/12/12

Vice President Gore won his Nobel Prize for his “work” on climate change.  But you know, the market doesn’t really care about that.  They only care that he keeps backing losers. The Street(10/4/12) reports: “Three years ago, First Solar seemed on its way: Interest in solar was at an all-time-high — as were subsidies for making, […]

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In the Pipeline: 7/26/12

President Obama built this.  We did not. IER (7/24/12) reports: “In addition to Solyndra, Beacon Power, and a host of other “Stimulosers,” we can now add solar panel manufacturer Amonix to the list of federally-backed alternative energy companies jeopardizing taxpayer funds. The latest embarrassment is especially relevant in light of this week’s planned vote on […]

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