In the Pipeline: 1/25/13

What the hell, it’s only money, right? Daily Caller (1/24/13) reports: “California has been a leader in Renewable Energy production, in part due to federal and state level policies that provide incentives for producers of renewable power. However, a new report found that California’s Energy policies will raise state power rates and associated costs by nearly 33 […]

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Free Markets Are a “Do Something” Solution

  In policy debates over energy and climate change, the deck is automatically stacked against the free market. Whatever the alleged problem—dependence on foreign oil, manmade global warming, air pollution — the politicians can pose as saviors by swooping in with new regulations, mandates, and taxes to “fix” it. When the critics point out that these […]

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In the Pipeline: 1/18/13

Look out, folks.  This young woman is a force to be reckoned with. AEA (1/15/13) reports: “Director of Federal Affairs, Robin Millican, speaks at a press conference held by Rep. Mike Pompeo about the Energy Freedom and Economic Prosperity Act.”   We could have come up with a dramatic statement like “Blades of Death Ripping American […]

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Energy Development a Parachute for Fiscal Cliff

A recent article at Free Enterprise outlined U.S. Chamber President Tom Donohue’s suggestion for easing the problem of solving the so-called fiscal cliff: development of U.S. conventional energy resources. This would boost employment and output, lower energy prices for consumers, and bring in more revenue for various levels of government. If policymakers are serious as […]

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In the Pipeline: 12/21/12

From our family to yours, Merry Christmas.  This runs contrary to the spirit of Christmas, but it looks like we have no hope. Energy Guardian (12/21/12) reports: “The Obama administration’s plan to spend $510 million on refineries to make drop-in biofuels for its Great Green Fleet advanced after House passage Thursday of a $633 million 2013 defense […]

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In the Pipeline: 12/14/12

It’s like Dan always says: Let the kids play, ref! IER (12/13/12) reports: “Persuaded by these claims, the Congress enacted the tax credit in 1992 obviously hoping that wind would become self-sufficient and not reliant on the U.S. taxpayer. That has not come to pass and the wind lobby is back in Washington, D.C. with its hand […]

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In the Pipeline: 12/12/12

We realize that taking someone else’s money for your own purposes is always tempting.  Congress should resist. AEA (12/12/12) reports: “The American Energy Alliance joined five other free market groups today in sending a letter to 158 members of the 112th Congress, urging them oppose an extension of the wind Production Tax Credit that would transfer taxpayer […]

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In the Pipeline: 12/7/12

This is all run by affordable, reliable electricity brought to you by hydrocarbons.  Sometimes by nuclear power. Slate (12/7/12) reports: “So it turns out the Internet really is a series of tubes. Last October, for the first time ever, Google posted dozens of rare photographs inside and around its data centers revealing the absurd level of organization, […]

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In the Pipeline: 12/4/12

The great thing about a carbon tax is that it exposes the entire racket.  It is about expanding government; it has never had anything to do with the environment.   Only slow-witted people are confused about that. MasterResource (12/3/12) reports: “Yep, that is it. For all the incessant talk as to how the highly consumptive U.S. lifestyle—from SUVs, […]

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In the Pipeline: 11/30/12

Let’s be honest.  What happened in New York and New Jersey was an appalling lack of preparedness, in the media center of the planet.  When she came ashore Sandy was a Category 1 hurricane.  If she had hit the Southeastern United States (like hurricanes usually do), blowhards like Senator Whitehouse would have paid no attention […]

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