Donald Trump

President Donald Trump’s mantra of energy dominance says it all. Trump views American energy resources as strategic and economic assets that will make us stronger at home and across the globe. His policies have matched his rhetoric and the market-driven American energy resurgence has blossomed during Trump’s first four years in the White House.

On issues across the energy spectrum, Trump has delivered on the promises of his renegade campaign of 2016. Bucking the Washington policy consensus, the president has instituted a common sense policy attitude that has let Americans produce, build, and thrive. Through the right-sizing of regulations, the canceling of the misbegotten executive actions of his predecessor, and by working with Congress, Trump has made energy a sure bet for Americans.

President Trump’s energy platform means affordable energy for all Americans and renewed strength for our industry.



Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris has a long and terrifying record on energy and economic policy. Four years removed from her tenure in the U.S. Senate, Harris has not left her support for radical ideas like the Green New Deal behind. Though Harris has sought to distance herself from her own past, her history of supporting radical attacks on American energy producers speaks for itself. The policies she and president Biden implemented during their four years in office have cut hard against the values of working America.

Less a standard-bearer than a front person, Harris’ radical policies are likely to be generated by the collection of politicians and activists she’s surrounded herself with. A Harris election victory would bring the American energy boom, already reeling from four years of constant attack, to an end. It would cost the country hundreds of thousands of jobs. It would drive up the cost of electricity and of transportation, even higher, for all Americans. And it would put accelerate us down the road to economic decline.

Among the most concerning aspects of Harris’ 2024 platform, or what is known of it, are her desire for the U.S. to be forcefully transitioned to “net zero,” her prominent support for an energy-draining Green New Deal to build off the disastrous Inflation Reduction Act, and her plan to all but end American oil and gas development. These policies are popular among the Democratic Party activists that have embraced Harris, but they are losers with and for the American people.

Harris’ energy platform would continue Biden’s war on American energy by puting bureaucrats in charge, driving up energy costs for Americans, and handing power back to hostile regimes abroad.



Net Zero

Donald Trump

Faithful to his campaign commitment, President Trump initiated a U.S. departure from the Paris Climate Agreement in June of 2017. The Paris Agreement is an international agreement that seeks to shift the entire world to “net-zero” carbon emissions by 2050. By reversing his predecessor’s executive order committing the U.S. to the global emissions scheme, Trump restored U.S. sovereignty over its own energy policy and reasserted America’s position as a policy leader. The Paris Agreement was an America-last deal that gave China the mandate to continue its industrial expansions as the U.S. would have tightened its belt. Exiting the scheme restored balance to global politics, particularly with regard to the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases, China.

It is notable that even after President Trump withdrew from the Paris Agreement the United States lead all countries in reducing its greenhouse gas emissions, while other countries are having a hard time meeting their commitments to the Paris accord.

Striving towards net-zero will demand significant and transformative shifts in our energy systems.  The considerable strides the U.S. has already taken in reducing CO2 emissions, which stand as a global benchmark, represent a fraction of the necessary effort.  The nation would need to rapidly and remarkably reshape its energy landscape, accompanied by substantial upswings in mineral extraction.  This could inflict serious harm on the economy. Moreover, even with these endeavors, achieving net-zero hinges upon questionable assumptions and forecasts about forthcoming technology and behavior, making it a highly improbable short-term objective.

President Trump is right to reject these risky and destructive policies that would put America last while letting competitors like China have a free hand in utilizing their energy resources to their full potential.

Kamala Harris

The Biden-Harris administration re-committed the U.S. to the Paris Climate Agreement. The agreement is a radical plan that seeks to usher in a global “net-zero” carbon emissions regime by 2050.

Under this plan, the U.S. toes the globalist energy line, restricting our industrial output as China continues to expand. Harris proudly touts that he administration has worked with the Chinese government to get the Paris Agreement implemented. While the Paris commitment has been a burden on the U.S. along with their failed Clean Power Plan, they agreed to allow the Chinese to continue increasing their emissions for another decade. China, it should be noted, already emits twice as much as the United States. Jumping back into the Paris Agreement meant handing the reins of global industry to China.

The Biden-Harris administration has gone further than even the Obama administration on their push for “net-zero,” with various federal agencies making the goal of “zero-carbon emissions” an explicit goal in rule-making. This emphasis on “net-zero” before all other considerations has turned federal regulations into a weapon against American energy producers, businesses, and families.

Oil & Gas

Donald Trump

During President Trump’s first term in office, the Unites States has become the world’s preeminent energy super power. The U.S. now produces more oil and gas than any other country, runs an energy export surplus, and has reserves that can fuel us for generations. In January 2020 the U.S. produced 13 million barrels per day of oil—an all-time record. Over the full course of 2019, the U.S. exported oil to more than 40 countries, fully eliminating the long-held concern about foreign oil dependency.

Though the coronavirus pandemic battered the industry in the spring of 2020, President Trump held firm against calls to raise prices on struggling consumers by way of an import tariff. Oil prices have rebounded as economies across the globe have begun to restart and the industry is on a road to recovery.

Since Trump’s election in 2016, U.S. natural gas has become a key plank in America’s foreign policy posture, offering countries in Eastern Europe an alternative to Russia’s regional energy hegemony in the form of liquified natural gas (LNG). Trump’s commitment to the bountiful energy reservoirs on U.S. federal lands and in federal waters means companies can plan for the long term and supply our energy needs deep into the future.

Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris has repeatedly stated in public that she favors a ban on new hydraulic fracturing and a ban on oil and gas development on federal lands and in federal waters.Harris’ ban on fracking and her ban on oil drilling on federal lands and offshore areas would have devastating results on the economy, jobs, and revenues, and energy prices would skyrocket. Several states would be impacted severely and directly—Texas, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Colorado, and Wyoming.

By her own account, Harris will sign a series of new executive orders with unprecedented reach that go well beyond the Biden-Harris administration ‘s on going war against American platform oil and gas. Harris’ overarching goal is the complete elimination of oil and gas from our economy by government mandate.


Donald Trump

President Trump has wisely scaled the federal fuel economy program to levels that prioritize the needs of American families along with environmental concerns. Trump’s Safer Affordable Fuel Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles rule, delivered in the spring of 2020, provides for gradually rising fuel economy—not the costly, impossible-to-meet, and dangerous standards set by the Obama administration. Trump’s fuel economy policy adheres to federal law and aims toward one national standard, rather than a piece-meal or California-centric standard. This policy saves families thousands of dollars on new and used cars and puts them back in the driver’s seat on vehicle choice.

Kamala Harris

The Biden-Harris administration has already implemented an EV mandate for the entire United States which will upend the American lifestyle. While Trump favors affordability and safety, the Harris plan would ratchet up the cost of vehicles while spending billions on trains, buses, and electric vehicle subsidies that primarily benefit the wealthy and coastal urbanites.

Infrastructure & Electricity

Donald Trump

President Trump and his State Department have given full support to the Keystone XL pipeline that would enter the country from Canada and deliver North American oil to Gulf Coast refineries.

The two Trump appointees to the Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, ruled with the majority of justices to end the ridiculous keep-it-in-the-ground campaign against pipelines in Appalachia.

President Trump’s Department of Energy has prioritized grid reliability and security. In 2017 the department issued a landmark report highlighting the immense importance of reliable, baseload electricity sources and the risks of a plunge toward intermittent energy.

Kamala Harris

The Biden-Harris administration canceled the Keystone XL pipeline. This policy switch alone would cost tens of thousands of jobs.

Harris’ electricity policy would not only be costly, it might be calamitous. She calls for a federal mandate that would put reliable sources of electricity like natural gas, coal, and nuclear energy at the back of the line while putting grid-taxing, intermittent wind and solar front and center. It is a recipe for higher costs and heightened reliability concerns.

Election 2024 News