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ICYMI: Ethanol Mandate Hurts Iowa Corn Farmers

  • 01/27/16
  • AEA
  • Renewable Fuel Standard
Yesterday, American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle penned an op-ed on The Hill's Congress Blog explaining how the Renewable Fuel Standard hurts Iowa farmers—despite conventional wisdom to the contrary. The full text is included below:

Ethanol mandate hurts Iowa corn farmers By Thomas Pyle
Iowans will soon cast the first votes of the 2016 presidential election. As the caucus draws near, Washington lobbyists are working overtime to smear any candidate who stands up for...

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DC Circuit Errs in Denying Stay of Carbon Rule, So What’s Next?

  • 01/26/16
  • AEA
  • Emissions Standards
As most following the controversial carbon rule know, last Thursday the DC Circuit denied a request from 27 states and dozens of private parties to stay, or freeze, the rule until the court has a chance to rule on its legal merits. The decision was not altogether that surprising, given the makeup of the DC Circuit and the seemingly boundless deference given to federal agencies to regulate the environment. Nevertheless, the carbon rule is a model case for a stay to be issued, and the case law...
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States Should Remain Steadfast in their Opposition to EPA Carbon Rule

  • 01/21/16
  • AEA
  • Emissions Standards
WASHINGTON -- American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle issued the following statement on the DC Circuit's decision to deny a stay for EPA's carbon regulation:
"While not surprising, the DC Circuit’s decision is disappointing and erroneous. If the DC Circuit is not going to protect the American people from EPA’s overreach, it’s all the more important for state leaders to do so. The court’s decision doesn't change the fact that states should not prematurely make commitments...

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ICYMI: Why States Should Not Submit a State Plan

  • 01/20/16
  • AEA
  • Emissions Standards
Today, AEA President Thomas Pyle penned an op-ed in Morning Consult cautioning state leaders against submitting a state plan for EPA’s carbon regulation. EPA, environmental groups, and utilities are pressuring state leaders to submit state plans by implying that a federal plan will be much worse for their citizens. But as Pyle points out, state and federal plans are essentially the same. The only major difference is that a state plan locks citizens in to this costly regulation—even if...
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State Plan vs. Federal Plan: What Difference Does It Make?

  • 01/13/16
  • AEA
  • Emissions Standards
Many states are concerned about job losses and higher energy prices resulting from EPA’s regulation of carbon dioxide emissions from power plants—what EPA calls the “Clean Power Plan.” EPA, environmental pressure groups, and utilities have called on states to submit compliance plans. Some are explicit about submitting a state plan to avoid an allegedly more harmful federal plan. At the same time, 27 states have sued EPA, and the rule’s future is in legal limbo. EPA’s...
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Obama's Climate Legacy: A Long and Painful Road

  • 01/12/16
  • AEA
  • Press Releases
WASHINGTON -- American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle issued the following statement on President Obama's final State of the Union address:
"President Obama has never failed to deliver a good speech, and tonight was no different. The president spoke at length of his climate and energy legacy—touting his carbon regulations and his ‘investments’ in wind and solar technologies. Unfortunately, a legacy is comprised of more than just speeches. When it’s all said and done, the...

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Key Vote: YES on SJ. Res. 22

  • 01/11/16
  • AEA

The House is set to consider the Senate-passed S.J.Res. 22, a Congressional Review Act resolution that disapproves of the administration’s proposed re-definition of the term “waters of the United States,” as established under the Clean Water Act. The American Energy Alliance supports this CRA resolution and urges all Representatives to vote YES on S.J. Res. 22.

This “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS) rule is an attempt by the Environmental Protection Agency and Army Corps of...

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Key Vote: Yes on H.R. 712, “Sue & Settle” Reform

  • 01/06/16
  • AEA
  • EPA
The House will soon take up H.R. 712, the Sunshine for Regulatory Decrees and Settlements Act of 2015. Sponsored by Rep. Collins (GA), the bill aims to take on the so-called “sue and settle” practice commonly used by the Obama Administration and special interest groups; particularly environmental activists. The American Energy Alliance urges all Representatives to vote YES on H.R. 712. More than a quarter of all major EPA rules , for example, are the result of special interest...
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Obama's Climate Legacy Being Built on the Backs of Struggling American Families

  • 12/21/15
  • AEA
  • Press Releases
WASHINGTON – American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle issued the following statement on President Obama’s decision to veto Congressional resolutions aimed at blocking EPA’s carbon regulations:
"President Obama’s decision to pocket veto these resolutions shows that he cares more about cementing his climate legacy than he does about the will and welfare of the American people. Americans will pay a high price for the president’s legacy, as these regulations will kill jobs and...

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Key Vote: NO on Omnibus Spending Bill

  • 12/17/15
  • AEA
  • solar
As Congress considers a massive $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill, coupled with a $650 billion tax extenders package, the American Energy Alliance urges all members to vote against any legislation that extends the wind Production Tax Credit (PTC), the solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), and fails to prohibit funds from being repurposed to the Green Climate Fund. According to the Joint Committee on Taxation, the PTC and ITC extensions alone will cost taxpayers nearly $24 billion . While we...
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