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Debunking the Claim that Wind and Solar Don’t Get “without much in the way of incentives”

Recently the Institute for Energy Research explained how Paul Krugman either does not understand climate science and economics or is deliberately misleading his readers. In that piece, Robert Murphy explains that studies encapsulating the consensus science from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change contradict Krugman’s claims . In that piece we wanted to focus on the climate claims, but in doing so we failed to debunk a claim about energy. In that piece, Krugman wrote, “Solar and...
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Is Ghostbusters Villain Walter Peck the EPA Blueprint?

Truly great films have a way of transcending time and place, and certain characters and scenes have a way of popping up in our memories years after we see them. One such character is the warrant-wielding EPA lawyer Walter Peck from the 1984 film Ghostbusters, a character so despised that the actor playing him was allegedly harassed in public on more than one occasion. Indeed, Peck shined with such a brilliant, bothersome presence that each new run-in I have with a pointy-headed bureaucrat...
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AEA Applauds Passage of Anti-Carbon Tax Resolution

  • 06/10/16
  • AEA
  • Press Releases
American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle issued the following statement on the passage of Majority Whip Steve Scalise’s anti-carbon tax resolution:
"We applaud Majority Whip Scalise, the House Leadership, and all those who voted in favor of this resolution for taking a stand against a national energy tax that would drive up energy costs for American families. "We send our elected officials to Washington with the expectation that they will support policies that strengthen our...

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House Resolutions Push Back Against Energy Taxes

  • 06/08/16
  • AEA
  • Carbon Tax
This week, the House will take up two resolutions pushing back on policies slated to increase the price of energy. H.Con.Res. 89, introduced by Rep. Scalise, expresses the sense of Congress that a federal carbon tax would be detrimental to the economy. H.Con.Res 112 , sponsored by Rep. Boustany, similarly disapproves of the Obama administration’s plan to levy a $10.25 per barrel tax on oil. Both resolutions mark an important opportunity for Congress to take a stand for affordable and...
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Why Congress should reject new energy taxes

  • 06/06/16
  • AEA
  • Blog
This letter originally appeared in The Hill's Congress Blog.
As early as this week, Members of the House of Representatives will face a very simple choice: support a tax that will make everyday life harder for their constituents, or take a stand for the American people and reject any new energy taxes. That’s the choice offered by a resolution from Majority Whip Steve Scalise, which opposes any carbon tax proposals and expresses the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be...
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Wind Lobby's Incoming Chairman Spins the Facts

  • 06/02/16
  • AEA
  • Blog
A recent Utility Dive article examines how the wind industry might cope without the wind Production Tax Credit (PTC), which is designated to expire in five years. The wind PTC is a subsidy that pays wind producers a significant sum just for producing wind energy. The Institute for Energy Research (IER) has outlined the ill effects of this subsidy here . In the Utility Dive Article, incoming American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) board chair and current president of Vestas Americas, Chris...
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States Should Reject NACAA's Calls to Implement Carbon Regulation

  • 06/01/16
  • AEA
  • Carbon Tax
Today, the National Association of Clean Air Agencies (NACAA) held a press call to discuss a new document that attempts to pressure and mislead states into implementing the EPA’s carbon regulation, or "clean power plan." AEA President Thomas Pyle issued the following statement on NACAA’s efforts:
"The NACAA, which has received millions of dollars in grants from the EPA, is clearly acting as a proxy for the agency. Following the Supreme Court's stay, the EPA is barred from...

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Free-Market Coalition Supports Anti-Carbon Tax Resolution

  • 05/24/16
  • AEA
  • Carbon Tax
Today a 25-member coalition of free-market groups led by the American Energy Alliance sent a letter to Senator Roy Blunt in support of his resolution opposing a carbon tax. Below is an excerpt from the letter:
We write today in support of your resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy.
While our organizations represent a diversity of interests and viewpoints, we share the belief that a free market empowers...

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Do Not Take a Finance Class (or an English Class) from the College of Marin

At the College of Marin, located a few miles north of San Francisco, it would be foolish to take a class in finance. Tesla is receiving $5.3 million in state and utility incentives to install a battery array on campus to save at most $150,000 a year. The Marin Independent Journal explains:
Tesla will get $5.3 million in state and utility incentives and rebates covering site preparation, installation of lithium-ion battery packs, a liquid thermal control system, and software commanded by a...

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Court's Decision Reaffirms that States Should Stop Work on Carbon Rule

  • 05/19/16
  • AEA
  • Blog
In an unexpected turn of events, the DC Circuit independently decided that the entire circuit court panel (11 judges) should hear the challenge to Obama’s carbon rule. The practical effect is that oral argument will delayed from June 2 until late September. For all intents and purposes, this is positive news for the challengers and should encourage states to safely put their pencils down if they haven’t already. Initially, both sides had viewed expedited review of the case positively....
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