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The Two Faces of Coal Opposition

  • 04/15/16
  • AEA
  • Coal
Candidate Obama promised that his policies would bankrupt the coal industry. Fast-forward eight years, and that is exactly what has happened. This week’s news about Peabody Energy becoming the latest and final publicly-traded coal company to declare bankruptcy put an exclamation point on this devastating era for the coal industry. The industry’s losses are quite staggering – losing a combined $30 billion in stock-market value since 2010 and shedding 31,000 jobs since 2009, according to...
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Ozone Bill Grants Much Needed Relief from Regulation

  • 04/14/16
  • AEA
  • Ozone Rule
In 2015, the Environmental Protection Agency finalized new National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for ground level ozone. This regulation is slated to be one of the most expensive in history, affecting nearly all aspects of the economy. However, the potential benefits come nowhere close to justifying the astronomical costs. Fortunately, H.R. 4775 , the Ozone Standards Implementation Act of 2015, seeks to mitigate the damage done by the EPA’s ozone regulations. This legislation...
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Bloomberg Article Hypes Renewable Investment - Ignores Actual Energy Production

  • 04/12/16
  • AEA
  • Energy Development
America is in the midst of an energy revolution. While coal use has fallen, natural gas and oil production have increased dramatically over the last four years. Conversely, despite massive amounts of subsidies, mandates, and media hype, renewable energy production has hardly budged. Glowing words for renewable energy investment shouldn’t outshine the real story about the market-driven boom in oil and gas production. Data vs. Hype The chart below shows the change in U.S. energy...
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Bureau of Land Management Spins a Terrible Record on Oil and Gas

  • 04/12/16
  • AEA
  • Energy Development
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) of the Department of Interior tried this week to put a positive spin on their anemic onshore oil and gas leasing program. Even worse, it took them nearly six months to do it, since the fiscal year 2015 ended at the beginning of last October. Of course, it takes a while to craft a message by massaging numbers and cherry picking data points. In their release , the BLM cites a 10 percent increase in oil production on federal and Indian lands from 2014 to...
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In Another Backroom Deal, Congress Looks to Tack Energy Handouts Onto FAA Bill

In December 2015, Congress passed a massive omnibus spending bill, which included a $23.8 billion, five-year extension of the wind Production Tax Credit (PTC) and the solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC). This extension marked a big win for wealthy industrial wind developers and solar investors—all at the expense of American taxpayers. Now, some in Congress—both Democrats and Republicans—have proposed extending several other energy subsidies that were not included in the year-end...
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Congress Should Repeal the RFS, Not Strengthen It

  • 04/04/16
  • AEA
  • Renewable Fuel Standard
Several Senators, led by Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley, recently signed a letter urging the Environmental Protection Agency to increase the annual blending targets for the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) for 2017. Their criticism of the RFS program misses the mark. Instead of strengthening the standard, Congress should focus on repealing the mandate in its entirety. In the letter, the Senators argue that EPA incorrectly applied the law and set the RFS levels too low. They state, “we remain...
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EPA's Deceptive Defense of Carbon Rule

  • 03/31/16
  • AEA
  • Emissions Standards

On March 29th, EPA filed its response to the D.C. Circuit Court on why the agency's regulations of carbon dioxide from power plants is legal. There’s no shortage of whoppers to highlight in EPA’s briefs. Here are a few:

It’s just the market trend, man. EPA insists the rule “follows existing industry trends without resulting in any fundamental redirection of the energy sector.”[1] Further, EPA argues, “these trends are due largely to falling prices for renewables and gas, as...
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Trump and Cruz Respond to AEA Survey

  • 03/30/16
  • AEA
  • Uncategorized
Both Candidates Agree: No Carbon Taxes WASHINGTON – Today, the American Energy Alliance released responses to its 2016 candidate questionnaire from presidential candidates Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. To give voters a better understanding of where the 2016 field stands on energy policy, AEA asked the candidates questions on a variety of issues, including EPA’s carbon rule, a carbon tax, energy production on federal lands, and the Renewable Fuel Standard. Click here to read the...
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Let's settle this once and for all: All deadlines are tolled!

  • 03/22/16
  • AEA
  • Climate
EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy’s testimony before Congress today continues to leave unanswered questions and speculation about EPA’s activity level around the carbon rule, as well as what the stay means for states who would like to put their pencils down but fear the EPA’s retribution for holding off until judicial review is complete. Here’s the truth about the stay and what it means for states still considering whether to stop work: 1. The EPA’s own opposition brief to the...
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Apple is still wrong about their "100% Renewable" claim

On March 21st Apple announced new products, updated software, and doubled down on the claim that globally their facilities run on 93 percent renewable power. As IER reported last year, this just isn't so:
The “100 percent renewable” claim is misleading and disingenuous. As much as companies like Google and Apple love to tout their purchases of wind and solar power, it’s a good thing for their customers that the companies actually still run on reliable and affordable power from...

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