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Congress shouldn't rubber-stamp the LWCF

  • 08/08/16
  • AEA
  • Scorecard
This summer, both chambers of Congress have been working towards a conference agreement between two energy bills, H.R. 8 (the base package) and S. 2012 . The House passed its bill in late 2015, while the Senate agreed on its version this past April. The House then passed an amended version of the Senate bill, setting up the conference process that began in July. The conference committee is now tasked with passing a package addressing a broad range of energy issues, including infrastructure...
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California’s Mandate Madness

  • 08/05/16
  • AEA
  • Blog
Next week, Advanced Energy Economy (AEE)—a group co-founded by billionaire environmental activist Tom Steyer—will host its annual event titled “Pathway to 2050.” The name of this conference is in reference to California’s renewable energy mandate that requires the state generate 50 percent of its electricity from renewable sources by the year 2050. California already has high electricity rates and rates are only going to increase. California already has high electricity rates...
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Congressmen block arbitrary, unscientific regulatory schemes

  • 07/20/16
  • AEA
  • Carbon Tax
Rep. Jenkins, along with Reps. Culberson, Womack, LaHood, and Mullin, recently introduced H.R. 5668, the Transparency and Honesty in Energy Regulation Act of 2016 (THERA). This bill would stop the use of the Social Cost of Carbon (SCC) and the Social Cost of Methane (SCM) in regulatory rulemaking. As explained many times before, the SCC and SCM are too flawed to be used in the rulemaking process . The SCC is estimated using Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs). These models try to assess...
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Free-Market Groups Support Bill Targeting Arbitrary Social Cost of Carbon

  • 07/19/16
  • AEA
  • Press Releases
WASHINGTON – Today the American Energy Alliance and a coalition of free-market groups sent a letter to Rep. Evan Jenkins in support of his bill, the Transparency and Honesty in Energy Regulations Act of 2016. This legislation halts the use of the administration’s fatally flawed and arbitrary “social cost of carbon” (SCC) and the “social cost of methane” (SCM) in agency rulemaking and regulatory action. Below is an excerpt from the letter:
The SCC and SCM are products of...

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AEA Endorses Donald Trump for President

  • 07/12/16
  • AEA
  • Press Releases
The American Energy Alliance is pleased to announce its endorsement of businessman Donald J. Trump for President. AEA President Thomas Pyle issued the following statement: "The U.S. is at a crossroads when it comes to our federal energy policy. Over the last eight years President Obama has subjected the American people to policies that fundamentally transform our energy economy into just another politicized arm of Washington. President Obama has rewarded his contributors with...
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Key Vote: Interior Appropriations Amendments

  • 07/12/16
  • AEA
  • Blog
The House will soon vote on the FY 2017 Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations bill. The underlying legislation is a step forward and includes several promising policy provisions. Two amendments provide significant improvements to the bill. One amendment, offered by Rep. Boustany, will further improve the bill by blocking funds from being used to implement the Administration’s proposed offshore well control rule. Another, offered by Rep. Ratcliffe , will prohibit...
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Key Vote: H.R. 4768

  • 07/12/16
  • AEA
  • Blog
Today, the House will vote on H.R. 4768, the Separation of Powers Restoration Act (SOPRA). This bill will reel in the power of executive agencies and marks an much needed step towards regulatory reform. The American Energy Alliance supports H.R. 4768 and urges all Representatives vote YES. In Chevron v. NRDC , the Supreme Court held that courts should defer to agencies for the interpretation of statutes unless the agency’s interpretations were unreasonable. Known as “Chevron...
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AEA Issues Statement on Green Climate Fund Vote

  • 06/29/16
  • AEA
  • Blog
WASHINGTON – American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle issued the following statement after the Senate Appropriations Committee approved an amendment to funnel $500 million to the UN’s green climate slush fund: "It's disappointing that the Senate Appropriations committee has capitulated to the Obama administration's climate agenda. The green climate slush fund is a political stunt to help politicians in developed countries feel good about themselves while their policies raise...

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Congress looks to Rein in the EPA

  • 06/24/16
  • AEA
  • EPA Power Plan
One of EPA’s main tactics in their assault on affordable energy is to get utilities, Public Utility Commissions, and others to implement a regulation before the courts have time to rule on its legality. If EPA can get power plant owners and other regulators to move fast enough, EPA can achieve its goal of closing affordable and reliable power plants before the courts even rule on the regulation. This is what happened with EPA’s MATS rule and is what EPA is trying to achieve with their...
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Obama's Rough Week in Court

  • 06/23/16
  • AEA
  • Energy Development
This week has been a bad week for President Obama’s policies in the courts. The Supreme Court handed a defeat to President Obama over his immigration plan and a district court struck down his administration’s unlawful attempt for the Bureau of Land Management to regulate hydraulic fracturing. The court’s hydraulic fracturing opinion was straightforward and simple. The court explained to the Obama administration that they cannot do anything they want, but only what they have been...
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