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Coalition Urges Senate to Pass Methane CRA Resolution

  • 05/03/17
  • AEA
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WASHINGTON – Today the American Energy Alliance and a coalition of free-market and conservative organizations sent a letter to the Senate urging them to pass the Congressional Review Act resolution nullifying the Bureau of Land Management’s methane regulation. Below is an excerpt from the letter:
This regulation comes with a high price tag. The American Action Forum estimates that this rule will cost roughly $297 million per year ($1.8 billion in total). The methane rule will decrease...

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AEA President Discusses Fuel Economy Mandates on Voice of America

  • 04/17/17
  • AEA
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American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle was recently interviewed by "Voice of America" to discuss federal fuel economy mandates. You can view the full segment below:

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AEA's Tom Pyle Discusses Energy Policy in the Trump Administration

  • 04/17/17
  • AEA
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American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle recently joined the show "Devil's Advocate w/Jon Caldara" to discuss federal energy policy under the Trump administration. You can watch the full interview below:

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President Trump's Energy Executive Order Puts Americans First

  • 03/28/17
  • AEA
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WASHINGTON -- American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle issued the following statement about President Trump’s executive order on energy and climate policy:
"President Trump’s executive order should be welcome news for America’s middle class and those living in poverty, who would be hardest hit by the previous administration's harmful climate regulations. Americans depend on affordable, reliable electricity for their livelihood, but regulations like the Clean Power Plan would...

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ICYMI: There’s Nothing Conservative About a Carbon Tax

  • 03/23/17
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Ignore the ‘free market’ bells and whistles: A tax is a tax is a tax. By Thomas Pyle Published on March 23, 2017, in National Review Online C onservatives have long been the voice for limited government, lower taxes, free markets, and individual liberty. But recently, a small but persistent group of Republicans are trying to persuade conservatives to abandon these principles and embrace a national energy tax. The idea of taxing carbon isn’t new. Bill Clinton and Al Gore tried to...
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AEA Praises President Trump's Budget Proposal

  • 03/16/17
  • AEA
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The Trump Budget: A Commitment to Restoring America's Promise, Returning Power to the People

WASHINGTON -- American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle issued the following statements on President Trump’s budget proposal:
"President Trump has put forth the most significant budget blueprint in generations. The Trump budget offers a much-needed resetting of the relationship between the federal government, the states, and the American people. In particular, the DOE, EPA, Interior, NOAA,...

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Key Vote: BLM Planning 2.0 CRA

  • 03/07/17
  • AEA
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The Senate is set to consider H.J. Res. 44, a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution to overturn the Bureau of Land Management’s “Planning 2.0” rule. This regulation would redefine the “multiple use” concept for federal lands laid out in the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (FLPMA). It would also diminish state and local officials’ roles in managing lands within their communities by consolidating more power in the federal government. We urge Senators to vote YES...
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ICYMI: Give affordable energy a seat at table

  • 03/07/17
  • AEA
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American Energy Alliance President Tom Pyle recently penned an op-ed for the Coloradoan titled, “Give affordable energy a seat at table.” The text of the piece follows: The Coloradoan Give affordable energy a seat at table By Thomas Pyle There’s an old and unfortunate truth about Washington, DC: “If you don’t have a seat at the table, you’re probably on the menu.” For the past eight years, the Obama administration’s “keep-it-in-the-ground” policies have kept...
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AEA Congratulates Secretary Perry

  • 03/02/17
  • AEA
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WASHINGTON — American Energy Alliance (AEA) President Thomas Pyle issued the following statement after the Senate voted to confirm Governor Rick Perry as the Secretary of Energy: "AEA congratulates Governor Rick Perry on being confirmed as the next Secretary of Energy. As the longest-serving Governor of Texas, Perry has a proven track record as an effective manager. We are confident that under Secretary Perry’s leadership, the Department of Energy will harness the intellectual power...
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House Science Subcommittee Holds Hearing on the Social Cost of Carbon

  • 03/01/17
  • AEA
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This week, the House Science Committee Subcommittee on the Environment held a hearing exploring the social cost of carbon (SCC) and its use in policy-making. The Subcommittee sought to discover what, precisely, carbon dioxide emissions cost the economy. Unsurprisingly, the panel reached a verdict that there was no consensus. The SCC is an arbitrary metric and should not be used in federal rulemaking. AEA has noted the unscientific, flawed nature of the SCC in the past. The metric fails on...
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