Key Votes on Amendments to HR 3354
- 09/07/17
- Uncategorized
In considering HR 3354 Department of Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2018 [Make America Secure and Prosperous Appropriations Act, 2018], the American Energy Alliance has identified the below three amendments offered to Division A as key votes.
NO on Amendment #20 offered by Reps. LoBiondo and Beyer. This amendment seeks to prevent energy exploration activities along the entire Atlantic seaboard. This sweeping prohibition is unjustified and premature. The...
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Rhetoric Matters: The Subsidy vs. Externality Distinction
- 08/09/17
- Jordan McGillis
- Blog
Earlier this week, an article in The Guardian by John Abraham on fossil fuel subsidies piqued our interest and we granted it a coveted spot in our daily news roundup, In the Pipeline:
But I think it deserves a bit more attention.
As the above excerpt indicates, Abraham’s article is a paean to a study that seeks to redefine subsidy. According to the study’s authors and to Abraham, rather than subsidy meaning a benefit given by the government to groups or individuals, usually in...
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Key Vote: YES on Rep. Davidson's Amendment #388 to Focus Dept. of Defense Resources on National Security
- 07/13/17
- Uncategorized
The U.S. government has no duty more paramount than ensuring our national security. Unconscionably, Executive Order 13693—like its recently repealed counterpart 13653—jeopardized that imperative by diverting the Armed Forces’ scarce resources toward goals falling far outside their missions. By prioritizing carbon dioxide emissions targets, fleet requirements for low and zero emission vehicles, and aid for local governments to “go green” Executive Order 13693 takes capacity away...
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Fracking's Overlooked Local Benefits
- 06/29/17
- Blog
The economy-wide, macro-scale benefits of hydraulic fracturing have been well-documented and are indeed palpable in our everyday experiences in the form of noticeably more affordable energy. With the influx of shale oil on the market, for example, we’re seeing lower gasoline prices this summer than we have in over a decade. The national average is currently around $2.25-per-gallon—$1.30 less than it was three years ago . Multiplied by the 140 billion barrels of gasoline American drivers...
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AEA Statement on the Bears Ears National Monument Interim Report
- 06/12/17
- Press Releases
WASHINGTON — American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle has issued the following statement regarding Secretary Zinke’s 45-day interim report on Bears Ears National Monument:
“The Antiquities Act allows the president to designate archaeological sites and historical landmarks as off-limits to development, but stipulates that the protected space shall encompass ‘the smallest area compatible with proper care and management.’ Barack Obama stepped beyond that boundary with his...
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AEA Commends President Trump for Keeping His Promise to the Forgotten Man
- 06/01/17
- Press Releases
WASHINGTON -- American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle has issued the following statement regarding President Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement:
“President Trump has a very clear vision of making this country a champion of energy development and economic progress. Withdrawing from the Paris Agreement reinforces his commitement to that vision and the American Energy Alliance applauds him for doing so.
“The Paris Agreement was a...
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AEA Launches
- 05/24/17
- Press Releases
WASHINGTON – Today the American Energy Alliance (AEA) launched a new initiative urging President Trump to keep his promise to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement. The initiative, hosted at , asks citizens to voice their concerns to the president by signing a petition demanding America withdrawal from the U.N. climate deal. American Energy Alliance President and former Trump DOE transition team leader Thomas Pyle has issued the following...
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President Trump's Budget Prioritizes American Taxpayers
- 05/23/17
- Press Releases
WASHINGTON — American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle has issued the following statement on the White House budget proposal:
"President Trump’s budget, dubbed The New Foundation for American Greatness, has many of the elements required to live up to that ambitious billing. At a fundamental level, this budget reconsiders and aims to restore the appropriate relationship between the government and the American taxpayers. By taking a taxpayer-first approach, the Trump administration...
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Senate Fails to Protect American People from Methane Regulation
- 05/10/17
- Press Releases
WASHINGTON – Today the Senate failed to move forward on a Congressional Review Act resolution to nullify the Bureau of Land Management’s costly methane regulation. American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle issued the following statement:
"The Senate just squandered an opportunity to protect American workers and families from a regulation aimed at making energy more expensive. The evidence against this regulation is overwhelming. Not only does this regulation fall outside of the...
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Coalition Urges Trump to Withdraw from Paris Climate Treaty
- 05/08/17
- Blog
WASHINGTON – Today, the American Energy Alliance (AEA) and the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), along with 38 free-market and conservative organizations, sent a letter to President Donald Trump urging him to keep his campaign promise to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement and stop all taxpayer funding of United Nations’ global warming programs.
The letter outlines how the agreement is a treaty that commits the U.S. to actions that are contrary to...
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