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The Greenist Manifesto: Fanciful Green Trappings for Garden Variety Socialism

One by one we have seen the 2020 candidates for the Democratic nomination, both presumed and declared, voice support for a “Green New Deal.” While some of these candidates may simply be mouthing the words to assuage the more rabid elements of the environmental far left, the mere fact that this idea is being taken seriously should be of concern to every freedom loving American. The Green New Deal is truly a Greenist Manifesto, a call for reviving old socialist ideas but this time with...
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Welcome to 2019 and the 116th Congress

  • 01/03/19
  • AEA
  • Blog
All eyes are on Congress this week as a new class of legislators is sworn in and Democrats take control of the House of Representatives. At this crucial time, AEA is ready to advocate for free market energy policies and to protect the American people from threats of increased energy prices. House Democrats have made it clear they will make energy policies a focus through a new select committee and proposals in line with a “Green New Deal.” Unfortunately, what this translates to for...
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AEA Statement on Secretary Ryan Zinke's Resignation

WASHINGTON – In response to the announcement  that Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke will step down at the end of the year, Thomas J. Pyle, President of the American Energy Alliance, made the following statement: "In the two years that Zinke has led the Department of the Interior, he has served the country in a way we haven’t seen from the federal government’s land use agency since the days of President Ronald Reagan. Streamlining permitting under the National Environmental Policy...
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AEA Applauds POTUS for Reform of WOTUS

WASHINGTON – This morning, the EPA announced a proposed rulemaking to repeal the 2015 Waters of the United States (WOTUS) definition under the Clean Water Act. The rule would fully repeal the definition of the Obama administration regarding which waterways and wetlands are to be considered under the Clean Water Act. AEA President Thomas Pyle made the following statement:  "Historically, the 'Waters of the United States' definition has been abused to increase the size and...
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EPA Rule Ends Obama's War on Economic Reality

WASHINGTON – This afternoon, the EPA proposed a rule lifting carbon dioxide emission requirements for new and modified coal power plants, a reform of an Obama-era rule which effectively mandated presently uneconomic carbon capture technology. American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle made the following statement: “The Trump Administration’s move to ease Obama-era restrictions on clean coal technology is yet another action towards bringing Obama’s ‘War on Coal’ to an...
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Press Release: End It, Don't Extend It

NERA Study Shows Lifting Electric Vehicle Manufacturers' Cap Would Inflict Harm on U.S. Households
WASHINGTON - Today, the American Energy Alliance delivered to lawmakers on Capitol Hill a study showing the economic effects of eliminating the manufacturers’ cap on the plug-in electric vehicle tax credit. The study, conducted by NERA Economic Modeling and commissioned by Flint Hills Resources, concluded that, on net, the high costs of raising the 200,000 manufacturers' cap in the...
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End It, Don't Extend It

NERA Study Shows Lifting Electric Vehicle Manufacturers' Cap Would Inflict Harm on U.S. Households  
WASHINGTON - Today, the American Energy Alliance delivered to lawmakers on Capitol Hill a study showing the economic effects of eliminating the manufacturers’ cap on the plug-in electric vehicle tax credit. The study, conducted by NERA Economic Modeling and commissioned by Flint Hills Resources, concluded that, on net, the high costs of raising the 200,000 manufacturers' cap in the EV...
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Free Market Coalition Urges Congress: Don't Extend the Electric Vehicle Tax Credit

WASHINGTON – In light of recent conversations in Washington surrounding the electric vehicle tax credit, this afternoon, a coalition of 28 free market policy groups, led by the American Energy Alliance, sent a letter to House and Senate leaders objecting to any expansion of the federal electric vehicle tax credit. The letter encourages Republican congressional leaders to reject attempts by the EV lobby and their allies in Congress to slip a tax credit cap increase into upcoming...
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AEA Applauds President Trump's Call to Eliminate EV Subsidies

WASHINGTON – This afternoon President Trump tweeted his intent to cut subsidies for electric vehicles. GM, which has been lobbying for an expansion of the federal tax credit, recently announced their intent to close a number of U.S. and Canadian plants. AEA applauds President Trump for opposing these costly federal subsidies. AEA President Thomas Pyle made the following statement: " President Trump is right to call for eliminating the costly federal subsidies going to electric...
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Energy Policy After the 2018 Midterms

  • 11/07/18
  • AEA
  • Blog

Full PDF. 

The voters have spoken. It’s time to listen to them and focus on policies that expand the availability, affordability, and reliability of energy, rather than on policies that make energy more scarce, more expensive, and less reliable.
For partisans on either side, the 2018 midterm elections will go down as a mixed bag. Democrats won control of the House, though not by the landslide they hoped. Republicans gained seats in the Senate, though mostly at the expense of...
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