When Will the Special Favors End?
- 03/12/19
- Erin Amsberry
- Press Releases
WASHINGTON – Today, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Trump administration proposed regulatory changes to reform aspects of RIN markets and to allow gasoline blended with up to 15 percent ethanol to be sold during the summer months. AEA president Thomas Pyle made the following statement:
"We are deeply disappointed that the ethanol barons have convinced the Trump administration to waive seasonal restrictions for E15 fuel even though the EPA has historically admitted they lack...
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Trump Budget Supports a Strong Energy Future
- 03/11/19
- Erin Amsberry
- Press Releases
WASHINGTON – Today, the Trump administration delivered its proposed Fiscal Year 2020 budget to Congress. AEA President Thomas Pyle made the following statement in regards to the budget's implications for American energy: "The Trump administration's proposed 2020 budget would modernize government spending in a manner consistent with the energy revolution taking place before our very eyes. The government should not be in the business of picking winners and losers in the economy. Trump's... |
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Green New Deal: Unnecessary, Illogical, and Immoral
- 02/28/19
- Thomas Pyle
- Blog
This week, I was able to represent the American Energy Alliance in testifying before the Western Caucus on the dangers presented by the Green New Deal. Conservatives must present a united front against this greenist manifesto and ensure that policymakers aren't lured into accepting less draconian, but certainly damaging policies like a carbon tax or a cap-and-trade program as a “reasonable alternative”.
I am grateful to the Western Caucus and Chairman Gosar for this...
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Trump Administration Rightly Rejects California's Power Grab
- 02/21/19
- Erin Amsberry
- Press Releases
WASHINGTON – Today, the Trump administration announced it has halted negotiations with California’s Air Resources Board with respect to California’s waiver authority to set fuel economy mandates. AEA President Thomas Pyle made the following statement:
“California was never going to negotiate in good faith with the Trump administration. For years California politicians have made green virtue signaling a priority over affordable, abundant energy no matter the impact on California...
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California High Speed Rail: False Promises, Empty Wallets
- 02/19/19
- Erin Amsberry
- Press Releases
WASHINGTON – Today, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) announced the intent of the Federal Railroad Administration to cancel the $929 million in taxpayer funds paid to the California High Speed Rail project and their exploration of options to reclaim the $2.5 billion previously granted. In response, AEA President Thomas Pyle made the following statement:
"The Trump administration and Secretary Elaine Chao are right to stop federal funding for the green boondoggle that was the...
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Real Abundance, False Promises
- 02/07/19
- Erin Amsberry
- Press Releases
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The State of American Energy is Strong
- 02/05/19
- Erin Amsberry
- Press Releases
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A Grand Carbon Bargain?
- 01/30/19
- Jordan McGillis
- Blog
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Press Release: AEA Sends Rep. Rooney Yellow Vest for His Support of Economy Wrecking Energy Tax
- 01/29/19
- Erin Amsberry
- Press Releases

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Budweiser thinks its customers are gullible fools
- 01/24/19
- Kenny Stein
- Blog
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