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Key Vote NO on H.R. 9

The American Energy Alliance urges all Representatives to oppose H.R. 9 the Climate Action Now Act, which seeks to prevent the United States withdrawal from the Paris Agreement on climate change.

The Paris Agreement was and remains a bad deal for the United States. Without Congressional approval, the previous administration sought to yoke the U.S. to economically harmful targets while allowing most of the world to do nothing. For example, the two largest sources of carbon dioxide...

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GM and Tesla: Pay No Taxes, Take More Handouts

For at least a year now we have heard complaints from GM and Tesla about the need to extend the electric vehicle (EV) tax credit, with just these two companies upset that their gravy train is coming to an end. These companies insist that it is crucial that the EV tax credit be expanded and extended, and have convinced a few members of Congress to introduce a bill to do just that. One could pass it off as just your standard rent-seeking of the sort that goes on every day in Washington, but a...

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AEA Applauds President Trump's Executive Orders Streamlining Pipeline Permitting

WASHINGTON – Today President Trump announced that he is issuing two Executive Orders pertaining to the construction and permitting of pipelines and critical energy infrastructure in the U.S. and across international borders. These orders are intended to strengthen the process of pipeline permitting and ensure that the U.S. has the ability to construct essential pipeline infrastructure in the years to come.

AEA President Tom Pyle made the following statement in response:


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Rep. Khanna to Propose More EV Cronyism

Congressman Ro Khanna (D. Calif.) recently announced he’s planning to introduce a bill to expand the electric vehicle (EV) tax credit in a way that promotes domestic manufacturing by linking it to carmakers producing vehicles in the U.S. Khanna touted his plan as a “concrete application of how the Green New Deal can create jobs in the United States.” I agree—his plan would be a concrete application of the Green New Deal because it would cost taxpayers a lot of money and provide...

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Top 10 Questions for Governor Jay Inslee

  • 04/01/19
  • AEA
  • Blog

This week, the Environment and Climate Change Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee will convene to discuss what state and local leaders are up to on the issue of climate change. The Subcommittee leadership has summoned Washington Governor and Democratic presidential candidate Jay Inslee to appear as their star witness.

This hearing is a welcome opportunity for members of the Subcommittee to question Mr. Inslee on the implications of his policies and the actions he has...

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AEA Applauds Presidential Action on Keystone XL

WASHINGTON – This afternoon, President Trump issued a presidential permit authorizing the construction and operation of the Keystone XL pipeline at the international boundary between the U.S. and Canada. AEA President Thomas Pyle made the following statement: 

“We applaud President Trump taking action to expedite the path to construction of the much-needed and long-overdue Keystone XL pipeline. After years of senseless delays, we’re hopeful that this pipeline, which is an economic...

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Gaetz's Green Deal-Lite: Still a Bad Deal for American Families

WASHINGTON – It has been reported that Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is preparing to introduce a resolution in the House of Representatives dubbed the "Green Real Deal". AEA President Thomas Pyle responded with the following statement: 

"Rep. Matt Gaetz’s so-called 'Green Real Deal' is nothing more than a Green New Deal-lite. While the resolution purports to affirm that the government should not pick winners and losers, it antithetically recommends taxpayer dollars be spent on...

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Rep. Gaetz’s Green New Deal Lite

Last week, news outlets reported that Representative Matt Gaetz, a Republican from Florida, is drafting a proposal to counter the Democrats’ “Green New Deal”. Unfortunately, Rep. Gaetz’s “Green Real Deal” is a contradictory mishmash of government activism being touted by the media and faux conservative groups as a Republican response to the Green New Deal. In so doing, it betrays a fairly comprehensive misunderstanding of the current state of energy markets and bears no...

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Vogtle Loan Guarantees: How Much is Enough?

WASHINGTON – Today, Secretary Perry announced the Department of Energy is moving to finalize a $3.7 billion loan guarantee for the Plant Vogtle nuclear reactors. AEA President Thomas Pyle made the following statement in reaction to the announcement:  

"We oppose federal loan guarantees for any energy source, period. Nuclear power is an important part of our nation's energy mix, but the federal government shouldn't be in the business of providing loans for any energy source....

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New Survey Finds Voters Skeptical of Government Action on Climate Change

WASHINGTON – Today, the American Energy Alliance has released the results of a nationwide survey of 1005 likely voters (margin of error = 3.1%) revealing Americans' perspective on issues related to the Green New Deal, climate change, and the federal fuel economy mandate. The findings include: 

  • Consistent with previous polling, very few voters identify climate change as a priority issue . Only 3% identified "environment" in total as one of the most pressing issues facing the United...

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