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The Energy Bill is Back, With Bootleggers and Baptists Onboard

When last we saw the Murkowski-Manchin energy bill, it was March and the bill was stymied by arguments over amendments.  At the time we dubbed the bill the American Energy Bureaucracy Act, and that description is still apt.  We questioned, and still question, the need for the raft of new programs the bill is pushing.  Indeed, given that the economy is still recovering from the coronavirus shock, new layers of energy bureaucracy are the last thing needed right now.  Talk is now in the...

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It's Time To End Corporate Welfare for Big Wind

AEA applauds legislators willing to take on on the powerful wind lobby and end the Production Tax Credit (PTC) once and for all.

WASHINGTON DC (September 24, 2020) – The American Energy Alliance, the country’s premier pro-consumer, pro-taxpayer, and free-market energy organization praised legislation introduced by Senators Lankford (OK), Cramer (ND), Hoeven (ND), Capito (WV) and U.S. House Representative Marchant (TX) that would help bring the era of intermittent energy...

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AEA To Newsom: Consumers Should Be in the Driver’s Seat, Not Bureaucrats

Executive order banning gasoline-powered vehicles 
not only a bad idea, but insulting to consumers

WASHINGTON DC (September 23, 2020) –Thomas Pyle, President of the American Energy Alliance (AEA), issued the following statement in response to the executive order signed by California Governor Gavin Newsom that directs the California Air Resources Board to ban new gasoline-fueled vehicles and that all new cars and passenger trucks sold in California be zero-emission vehicles by...

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Unregulated Podcast #4: Tom & Mike on What the Supreme Court Vacancy Means for the Election

  • 09/23/20
  • AEA
  • Podcast

On this episode of Unregulated Tom & Mike discuss what the recent vacancy on the Supreme Court means for this November's election and how it changes President Trump's path to victory.


AEA's 2020 election hub

Biden "used to be a good driver" clip

AOC saying the vacancy must radicalize Democrats

More on Joe Biden's kowtow to the radical green left

McKenna's column on Secretary Pompeo

McKenna's column on Donald Trump's potential path to...

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Key Vote NO on H.R. 4447

  • 09/23/20
  • AEA
  • Scorecard

The American Energy Alliance urges all members to oppose H.R. 4447 the Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act.  

H.R. 4447 is an unwieldy collection of bills packed full of subsidies and burdensome regulations.  The legislation as a whole has one outcome: increasing the cost of energy for Americans.  Federal government micromanaging of people's energy choices is as foolhardy as it is costly.

Even in good times, this legislation would be harmful, but with the economy still climbing out...

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The Insane Cost Of Biden's Fracking Ban

  • 09/18/20
  • IER
  • Blog

Hydraulic fracturing has made the United States the top oil and natural gas producer in the world and it has made the nation energy independent for the first time in 62 years. Yet, during stages in the campaign, potential Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris advocated a ban on fracking and a ban on drilling, sometimes entirely and sometimes only on federal lands and waters. A recent study shows that banning federal leasing and fracking on public and...

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Unregulated Podcast #3: Tom & Mike Tackling Today's Headlines and the Election

  • 09/17/20
  • AEA
  • Podcast

On this episode of Unregulated Tom & Mike give an update on their election forecasts and dive into the rhetoric surrounding the ongoing crises plaguing California as well as touching on other headlines in the news.


AEA's 2020 election hub

More on California's wildfires and blackouts

More on America's status as a major energy producer

More on Joe Biden's kowtow to the radical green left

Check out McKenna's latest at the Washington Times

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AEA Promotes House & Senate Energy Champions in 2020 Scorecard

As ballots arrive across America, voters have a right to know
which representatives support affordable energy

WASHINGTON DC (September 16, 2020) – The American Energy Alliance (AEA), the country’s premier pro-consumer, pro-taxpayer, and free-market energy organization, has released its 2020 energy scorecard promoting energy champions and flagging those who ‘need attention’ as voters across the nation prepare to cast ballots for their federal representatives.


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American Energy Alliance 2020 House of Representatives Scorecard

This week the American Energy Alliance released its American Energy Scorecard for the House of Representatives.  The AEA scorecard scores voting and co-sponsorship decisions on legislation affecting energy and environmental policy, educating voters on how their representatives' vote and holding members accountable for those decisions.  This year’s scorecard compiles 18 votes and 2 co-sponsorship decisions from the 116th Congress.  74 House members achieved a 100% score.

The American...

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American Energy Alliance 2020 Senate Scorecard

This week the American Energy Alliance released its American Energy Scorecard for the United States Senate.  The AEA scorecard scores voting and co-sponsorship decisions on legislation affecting energy and environmental policy, educating voters on how their representatives' vote and holding members accountable for those decisions.  This year’s Senate scorecard compiles 23 votes and 1 co-sponsorship decision from the full 6-year terms of the Senators up for reelection in 2020.  15 Senators...

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