The Unregulated Podcast #32: Tom and Mike discuss G-10 Staffers and Climate Conundrums
- 04/16/21
- Podcast
Tom and Mike discuss G-10 staffers and Covid/climate conundrums. Plus the GOP's three-day climate event, the Clean Future Act, Bloomberg in China, and climate spending.
- Joshua Siegel on Twitter
- Secrecy and Abuse Claims Haunt China’s Solar Factories in Xinjiang
- Scientific American
- Steak-umms vs. Neil deGrasse Tyson
- Biden's infrastructure plan earmarks $400 billion in home-based care for aging Americans - and it could shake up the lucrative home care industry
- Energy secretary: 'We...
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The Unregulated Podcast #31: Tom and Mike Discuss Rob Manfred's All-Star Error
- 04/09/21
- Podcast
Tom and Mike sit down to discuss the MLB moving the All-Star Game out of Atlanta. Plus, everything is infrastructure, AOC's take on the border crisis, and Biden makes another error on green jobs.
- MLB All-Star Game moves to Colorado despite stricter voting laws
- The Baseball All-Star Game Is No Icon of Honest Voting
- WH: Biden didn't push for MLB All Star decision
- President Joe Biden speaks about fans returning to stadiums, vaccination progress | SportsCenter
- House GOP memo: Embrace...
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The Unregulated Podcast #30: Tom and Mike Discuss Biden's First Press Conference and the Infrastructure Bill
- 03/31/21
- Podcast
Tom and Mike sit down to discuss President Biden's first press conference and the infrastructure bill. They also discuss problems with the Jones Act and the future of the filibuster.
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Ban North Face. Wait, Strike that. Reverse It.
- 03/26/21
- Blog
Sometimes it feels impossible not to get frustrated during this pandemic.
If you work in the American oil and gas industry and went from a president who is an energy hero to one that’s an energy zero, those times are increasing in frequency.
According to the 5th annual Global Energy Talent Index (GETI) report, 78 percent of oil and gas employees feel less secure in their jobs than they did a year ago. Gee, I wonder why.
But ask many of them, knowing what they know now, would...
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A Tax on Carbon is a Tax On Everyone
- 03/26/21
- AEA Press Office
- Press Releases
Call it whatever you like, it's still the most regressive tax imaginable.
WASHINGTON DC (March 26, 2021) – Today, the American Energy Alliance (AEA), the country’s premier pro-consumer, pro-taxpayer, and free-market energy organization, reiterated its opposition to a carbon tax – in any form – in reaction to the news that the American Petroleum Institute has endorsed a "price on carbon."
AEA President Thomas Pyle issued the following statement:
"Let’s be clear. A...
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The Unregulated Podcast #29 Tom and Mike Discuss the Early Days of the Biden Administration with Mandy Gunasekara
- 03/26/21
- Podcast
Tom and Mike discuss the early days of the Biden administration with guest Mandy Gunasekara, the 13 states challenging Biden's oil leasing ban, and Dana Carvey's Biden and Fauci impressions.
"He's Kind Of A Tough Guy" - Dana Carvey On His Dr. Fauci Impression
13 states challenge Biden oil leasing plan
Global Energy Inequality Goes Deeper Than Bitcoin
An SUV packed with 25 people at the border. A horrible crash, an unthinkable toll
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WSJ Outlines Biden Admin’s Backdoor Climate Agenda
- 03/19/21
- Blog
The Wall Street Journal published an editorial March 18 discussing the Biden administration’s “backdoor” plan to advance climate regulations. As the editorial outlines, it appears that the Biden EPA plans to use the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) to move forward with climate regulations in order to avoid the political costs of voting on any such regulations in congress.
Some history
In Massachusetts v. EPA (2007) the Supreme Court ruled that the law’s general...
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CLEAN Future Act Puts Ratepayers On The Hook For EV Infrastructure
- 03/18/21
- Alexander Stevens
- Blog
In early March, the House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), Environment and Climate Change Subcommittee Chairman Paul Tonko (D-NY) and Energy Subcommittee Chairman Bobby L. Rush (D-IL) introduced the Climate Leadership and Environmental Action for our Nation’s (CLEAN) Future Act. The bill aims to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, with an interim target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent from 2005 levels no later than 2030.
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The Unregulated #28: Tom and Mike Discuss Biden's Remarks on the American Rescue Plan
- 03/17/21
- Podcast
Tom and Mike sit down to discuss Biden's remarks on the American Rescue Plan as well as the Andrew Cuomo scandals and the petition to recall Gavin Newsom.
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Remarks by President Biden on the American Rescue Plan
Biden Tells the Nation There is Hope After a Devastating Year
Gavin Newsom Recall: National Democrats Rally Behind California Governor.
Sens. Schumer and Gillibrand call on...
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Key Vote NO on Haaland Confirmation
- 03/15/21
- Blog
While Biden’s nominees for various energy and economic positions have been awful, Rep. Haaland may be the most extreme. Her wholehearted opposition to the invaluable practice of hydraulic fracturing (fracking), her advocacy for the "30x30" movement, which would exclude most of the federal lands from productive use, and her endorsement of the Green New Deal make her unfit to lead the department.
Haaland hails from New Mexico, the epicenter of America’s thriving oil and gas production,...
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