The Unregulated Podcast #51: Tom and Mike Discuss Europe's Energy Crisis
- 09/29/21
- Podcast
On this episode of The Unregulated Podcast Tom Pyle and Mike McKenna discuss Europe's looming energy crisis.
- Oil prices rise above $80 a barrel for first time in three years
- China to spend over $120 billion on services, drill 118,000 wells through 2025
- Jen Psaki: It’s “unfair and absurd” that companies would increase costs for consumers in response to us taxing them more.
- Economic Consequences of President Biden’s Fiscal Policy
- John Kerry on the Biden administration's lack...
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Key Vote NO on Nomination of Tracy Stone-Manning
- 09/29/21
- Blog
The American Energy Alliance urges all Senators to oppose the nomination of Tracy Stone-Manning for director of the Bureau of Land Management.
Stone-Manning has a demonstrated history of environmental radicalism that is disqualifying for the role of BLM director. Her involvement in violent, criminal activism alone should be disqualifying. But beyond that incident Stone-Manning has established a clear track record of hostility towards the statutory multiple use of federal lands as...
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The Unregulated Podcast #50: Tom and Mike Provide an Update on Reconciliation
- 09/23/21
- Podcast
On the latest episode of The Plugged-In Podcast Tom Pyle and Mike McKenna give an insider update on the Congressional proceedings surrounding Democrats' reconciliation bill.
- Why is the Biden administration cutting" antibody treatments in Florida?
- President Biden on going after oil producers.
- No firm commitment from India on net zero, says John Kerry
- At 9/11 memorial event, Biden rants incoherently about boxing Trump, Florida, and Robert E. Lee
- The Biden Admin’s @BrianDeeseNEC on...
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How the Reconciliation Process is Being Used to Pay Back Big Green, Inc.
- 09/22/21
- AEA Press Office
- Press Releases
Democrats in Congress use partisan reconciliation process to pay back their cronies with billions in federal handouts
WASHINGTON DC (September 22, 2021) – The American Energy Alliance (AEA), the country’s premier pro-consumer, pro-taxpayer, and free-market energy organization, voiced public opposition to the numerous, disastrous energy policies being discussed before Congress – particularly within the U.S. House of Representatives – in upcoming budget reconciliation and...
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Biden and House Reconciliation Bill Writers are in La-La Land
- 09/21/21
- Blog
President Biden’s climate policies and the House Democrats’ reconciliation bill will decimate U.S. energy industries along with millions of associated jobs while saddling consumers with skyrocketing prices and electricity blackouts. One only has to look at California and Europe to see that the goals of Biden’s climate policies and the reconciliation bill will eventually end up with the energy disaster Europe and California are experiencing. And, it will cost businesses and taxpayers...
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All the Energy That’s Fit to Subsidize
- 09/21/21
- Blog
This past week House Democrats passed their budget reconciliation bills in the various Committees. So far these bills are 100 percent partisan as no Republicans in any Committee has voted for them. Next, the House Budget Committee will take the various provisions and combine them into a reconciliation bill to send to the Senate. This is moving quickly because House Democrats, along with the Administration, does not want any real oversight of the trillions of dollars they want to spend. ...
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Pelosi's Plan To Pick Your Pocket Via Reconciliation
- 09/17/21
- Blog
A significant part of the reconciliation bill is the “Clean Electricity Performance Plan” that is intended to increase the amount of “clean power” produced. The provision was in part drafted by outside interests including a professor from University of California, Santa Barbara. The House is considering a target of 80 percent “clean power” by 2030, which would be a significant increase from the current 40 percent “clean energy” output from renewable and nuclear energy, but...
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House Democrats Plan to Pay Wind Industry Nearly 10 Times Value of their Electricity
- 09/15/21
- Blog
Nine years ago, the wind industry agreed to a six-year phase out of the wind production tax credit . At the time, the wind industry told reporters that they needed 4-6 years to achieve subsidy-free competitiveness. But now the wind industry, other renewable electricity generators, and their financial backers on Wall Street, are back supporting the House Democrats plan to transfer billions of dollars from hard-working taxpayers to Wall Street bankers by laundering it through renewable energy...
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Senate Democrats' New Plan to Tax Our Leading Energy Resources
- 09/09/21
- Jordan McGillis
- Blog
Senate Democrats are proposing to institute a new tax on the use of our leading energy resources—oil, natural gas, and coal—according a leaked list of reconciliation bill pay-for options.
Before getting into the specifics of what the leaked list calls “carbon pricing,” let’s reiterate how central these fuels are to our productivity and well-being.
In terms of primary energy consumption, oil, natural gas, and coal contribute 35, 34, and 10 percent of U.S. energy on a Btu...
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The Unregulated Podcast #49: Tom and Mike Discuss Gavin Newsom's Recall Election
- 09/07/21
- Podcast
On the final episode for summer 2021 Tom and Mike discuss Gavin Newsom's looming recall election in California.
- U.S. House Jan. 6 committee demands Trump White House records
- Climate Leadership Council Expands
- What people are willing to pay to "fix" climate change
- Recall Gavin Newsom and save the whole country
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