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Transmission Permitting is Broken

Net zero proponents, such as Net Zero America at Princeton University, believe the United States needs to build between 2x and 5x as much electricity transmission as we have today. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory estimates that to meet President Biden’s goal of a zero-carbon gird by 2035, the transmission capacity must increase up to 3 times today’s capacity “or between 1,400 and 10,100 miles of new high-capacity lines per year starting in 2026 .” One big question is whether...

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Europeans Plan on Banning EV Charging To Avoid Blackouts

  • 12/06/22
  • IER
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Switzerland may ban electric vehicles  from being used except for “essential” purposes this winter as government officials plan for a possible energy crisis during the winter months. Swiss officials drafted emergency proposals that restrict power usage if electricity shortages occur this winter. They include fewer hours for shop owners, limited use of streaming services, lower temperature settings on buildings of 20 degrees Celsius or 68 degrees Fahrenheit, bans on concerts, theater...

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Biden Backs Corrupt Dictators Over American Energy Producers

  • 12/02/22
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President Biden is continuing with his program of “anywhere but the United States” when it comes to oil investment and future production. The United States is allowing Chevron to resume pumping oil from its Venezuelan oil fields that U.S. sanctions had halted almost three years ago. The license was granted to Chevron after President Nicolás Maduro’s government agreed to implement an estimated $3 billion humanitarian relief program  and continue dialogue in Mexico City to supposedly...

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The Unregulated Podcast #110: In a Dark Room

  • 12/02/22
  • AEA
  • Podcast

On this episode of The Unregulated Podcast Tom Pyle and Mike McKenna discuss Europe's energy emergency and a week of crowded headlines.


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Biden Telling "A Flat Out Lie" About US Energy, Tom Pyle on Varney & Co.

  • 11/30/22
  • AEA
  • Blog

Monday, November 29, AEA president Tom Pyle joined Ashley Webster on Fox Business to discuss Biden's latest verbal attacks on American energy producers. Watch the video below to see Tom call out Biden's lies regarding what is reducing America's energy output. Read more about the 125 ways Joe Biden and his allies in Congress have made it harder to produce energy in the United States here.

Follow Tom on Twitter for his latest on America's energy policy.

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Biden's EPA Reveals Astronomical "Social Cost of Carbon" Proposal

  • 11/29/22
  • IER
  • Uncategorized

President Biden’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed a new estimate for the social cost of carbon emissions  that nearly quadruples the interim figure from the Obama Administration. The Biden administration has been using the Interagency Working Group’s interim value of $51 per metric ton of carbon dioxide, but EPA has proposed increasing it to $190. Agencies use the number in their analyses of the costs and benefits of climate regulation on sources ranging from power...

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The Unregulated Podcast #109: Honest Liars

  • 11/18/22
  • AEA
  • Podcast

On this episode of The Unregulated Podcast Tom Pyle and Mike McKenna discuss the next moves for the Republican majority in the House of Representatives, Biden's inflation problems, and more headlines from a busy week.


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Staggering Price of Biden's "Net-Zero" Agenda Passed to Consumers

  • 11/16/22
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If the United States is to reach President Joe Biden’s 2050 net zero carbon economy goals, it will need to increase its electricity generation capacity by as much as 480 percent to comply with the Paris Climate Accord. According to a recent report, firm capacity should increase by 300 to 400 gigawatts from today’s level of 850 gigawatts and intermittent wind and solar capacity should at least quadruple  from the current 200 gigawatts. The study, jointly released by the Electric Power...

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Biden Brags About Dismantling Energy Independence

  • 11/15/22
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“No one is building new coal plants because they can’t rely on it, even if they have all the coal guaranteed for the rest of their existence of the plant,” Biden said at a recent event touting his administration’s economic policies in Carlsbad, California. He continued to tout: “We’re going to be shutting these plants down all across America and having wind and solar.” But, the facts are: In 2021, the United States generated 21 percent of its electricity from coal—almost ...

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European Climate Hypocrites Confronted By African Delegates At COP 27

  • 11/14/22
  • IER
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At the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27), climate issues relating to Africa took center stage. Uganda President Yoweri Museveni noted  the “brazen double standards” of Europe’s climate process “hypocrisy.” ”The Ugandan leader characterized the Western nations’ agreement to allow some fossil energy investment while blocking Uganda’s rights to retrieve oil and gas for itself as the “purest hypocrisy.” Europe claims that its recent investments in fossil...

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