Atlantic City is Perfect Example of U.S. Energy Future
- 04/04/09
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AEA: Atlantic City is Perfect Example of U.S. Energy Future
WASHINGTON, D.C. - As the U.S. Department of the Interior preparesto hold its first regional hearing next week on the future of responsibleenergy exploration offshore, American Energy Alliance (AEA) Senior VicePresident for Policy DanielKish issued the following statement today reminding lawmakers that ourvast, domestic offshore energy resources hold the key to both our economicrecovery and energy future."In a way, it's...
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Celebrate Human Achievement Hour
- 03/27/09
- Can't Make This Up
The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) recently announced the creation of Human Achievement Hour (HAH) to be celebrated tomorrow, March 28th, between 8:30pm and 9:30pm. This is the same time and date as Earth Hour, a period of time when individuals, businesses, and governments are being encouraged to “turn off the lights” in an effort to draw attention to global warming.
The supporters of Earth Hour include the United Nations , which is understandable in light of...
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AEA to Salazar: Keep Your Word
- 03/18/09
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Letter Challenges Salazar to Recognize Environmental Safety Technology Advances
WASHINTON,DC—After Interior secretary Ken Salazar said that he “would considertapping oil” along a small portion of Alaska’s Coastal Plain, theAmerican Energy Alliance (AEA) wrotethe Secretary to applaud his comments and update him about the widely-used andproven-safe technology advances energy producers have made in directionaldrilling in recent years. AEApresident Thomas J. Pyle, the author of the ...Continue Reading...
Manufactured Myths: No Substitute for Real Energy Policy
- 03/17/09
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AEA Urges Lawmakers to Focus on American Energy Access
WASHINTON,DC— Inanticipation of tomorrow’s Congressionalhearingson the status of new American energy development, AmericanEnergy Alliance(AEA) Director of Federal Affairs Kevin Kennedy highlighted the extensiveshort-term and long-term economic benefits Americans stand to gain if Congressallows more access to domestic energy exploration and production: “Ifthese hearings bring forth the truth about how new access to...Continue Reading...
Senators Force Open and Transparent Debate on Cap and Trade Tax
- 03/13/09
- Can't Make This Up
American Energy Alliance Alert
Senators Force Open and Transparent Debate on Cap and Trade Tax
28 Say No To Carol Browner’s Plans To Regulate the Means of Production Through Cap and Tax Proposal
The American Energy Alliance is pleased to report that attempts to bypass regular-order procedures and enact the largest (and most regressive) tax in American history by White House Climate Czar Carol Browner have been met with aggressive bipartisan resistance on the steps of Capitol Hill. Browner...
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The Obama Budget: A Commitment to Increasing Energy Prices
- 03/06/09
- Can't Make This Up
The American people have consistently voiced their support for affordable energy and the production of domestic energy resources . Polling shows that 52 percent of Democrats, 65 percent of independents, and 89 percent of Republicans support increased offshore energy exploration and development. But just a few short weeks into his administration, President Obama has sent Americans a clear message: the demands of a majority of Americans will be thwarted by a tiny minority opposed to economic...
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AEA Speaks Out About Off Shore Energy Production
- 03/06/09
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Over A Million U.S. Jobs Locked Away in “Off-Limits” Offshore Resources
- 02/22/09
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President Obama Clearing Way for California to Institute a Stealth Carbon Tax
- 01/26/09
- Can't Make This Up
President Obama has ordered the Environmental Protection Agencyto swiftly decide whether or not it will waive federal law and allowCalifornia to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from automobiles. EPAis very likely to grant the waiver enabling California to institute newand costly regulations. The regulations amount to a stealth carbon taxof at least $1,000 on average per car or truck.
While the costs for this action are substantial, the benefits willbe miniscule. These regulations will only...
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Obama’s Jobs and “Stimulus” Plan: A Bad New Deal for America?
- 01/16/09
- Can't Make This Up
Yesterday, Congressional Democrats followed the President elect’s lead and released their own $825 billion plan to juice the economy. Like the President-elect’s plan, the Congressional plan does nothing to lower energy prices or provide real long-term...
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