When Will Congress Come Clean on Cap and Tax?
- 05/13/09
- News
Only 24 percent of Americans understand cap and tax; Waxman needs to slow down and explain it to the American people
Washington, DC – Recent polling conducted by Rasmussen Reportsand released today found that an overwhelming majority of Americans notonly don’t support cap-and-trade – they don’t even know what it is,even when given three options from which to choose.
Interestingly,the polling data comes out at a time when Energy and Commerce ChairmanHenry Waxman (D-Calif.) is moving...
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Who Wins, Who Loses? Everything Up for Grabs as Waxman Scours for Votes
- 05/08/09
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New debate centers on who should get thecarve-outs, who should get stuck with the tab
Washington,DC – After marathon hearings inthe House Energy and Commerce Committee last week debating the largest, mostregressive tax plan ever brought before Congress, Chairman Henry Waxman(D-Calif.), appears to have left many questions unanswered. Chief among them:how he plans to carve up the bill, and to whom he plans to extend the patronageof upfront emission “allowances.”
“Afterweeks of...Continue Reading...
The Waxman-Markey Game Plan for Higher Energy Prices
- 04/29/09
- Can't Make This Up
When Representatives Henry Waxman and Ed Markey unveiled their 648-page discussion draft climate and energy bill, they claimed that “The American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009” will not only save the planet, but will provide the economy with a “green recovery” to boot. The bill, which was the subject of four days of hearings with more than 65 witnesses , features sweeping changes in energy policy including forcing families and businesses to buy more expensive electricity, implementing...
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AEA Educational Campaign to Fight Massive Energy Tax, Further Government Induced Job Losses
- 04/29/09
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Wednesday, April 29, 2009 | Laura Henderson (202) 621-2951 |
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The $3,100 Question: How Much Will Cap and Trade Cost Households?
- 04/29/09
- Can't Make This Up
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Louisiana AEA Launches Waxman-Markey Energy Tax Ad
- 04/27/09
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Georgia AEA Launches Waxman-Markey Energy Tax Ad
- 04/27/09
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Indiana AEA Launches Waxman-Markey Energy Tax Ad
- 04/27/09
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Ohio AEA Launches Waxman-Markey Energy Tax Ad
- 04/27/09
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North Carolina AEA Launches Waxman-Markey Energy Tax Ad
- 04/27/09
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