Does Congressman Cao Support Higher Electricity Rates?
- 06/16/09
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Louisiana electricity rates to sky rocket under plan pending before Congress
Washington, DC – With only days remaining until the U.S. House of Representatives casts an historic up-or-down vote on one of the largest tax hikes in the history of Congress, Congressman Joe Cao (R-La.) has yet to state publicly where he stands on this measure – even as recent estimates suggest Louisiana families could be among the hardest hit.
Under this proposal, the federal government would mandate...
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Does Congressman Kirk Support Higher Electricity Rates?
- 06/16/09
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Illinois electricity rates to sky rocket under plan pending before Congress
Washington, DC – With only days remaining until the U.S. House of Representatives casts an historic up-or-down vote on one of the largest tax hikes in the history of Congress, Congressman Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) has yet to state publicly where he stands on this measure – even as recent estimates suggest Illinois families could be among the hardest hit by it.
Under this proposal, the federal government would...
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Does Congressman Ellsworth Support Higher Electricity Rates?
- 06/16/09
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Indiana electricity rates to sky rocket under plan pending before Congress
Washington, DC – With only days remaining until the U.S. House of Representatives casts an historic up-or-down vote on one of the largest tax hikes in the history of Congress, Congressman Brad Ellsworth (D-Ind.) has yet to state publicly where he stands on this measure – even as recent estimates suggest Indiana families could be among the hardest hit by it.
Under this proposal, the federal government would...
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Does Congressman Snyder Support Higher Electricity Rates?
- 06/16/09
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Arkansas electricity rates to sky rocket under plan pending before Congress
Washington, DC – With only days remaining until the U.S. House of Representatives casts an historic up-or-down vote on one of the largest tax hikes in the history of Congress, Congressman Vic Snyder (D-Ark.) has yet to state publicly where he stands on this measure – even as recent estimates suggest Arkansas families could be among the hardest hit.
Under this proposal, the federal government would mandate...
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Does Congressman Carney Support Higher Electricity Rates?
- 06/16/09
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Pennsylvania electricity rates to sky rocket under plan pending before Congress
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Let’s Make a Deal: EPW Chair Acknowledges Principles Tossed Aside Early in Waxman Consideration
- 06/05/09
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Let’s Make a Deal: EPW Chair Acknowledges Principles Tossed Aside Early in Waxman Consideration, All About the Money From Then After
"There's so much revenue that comes in from a cap-and-trade system that you can really go to a person in a congressional district and get enough votes there by saying, 'What do you need? What do you want? You can really help them." U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., June 6, 2009Washington, DC – Following the release of the June 6, 2009 cover story in...
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Clear Majority of Coastal North Easterners Support Environmentally Sound Energy Exploration
- 06/05/09
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Clear Majority of Coastal North Easterners Support Environmentally Sound Energy Exploration and Production
While Americans Continue to Call for More American Energy, Out-of-the Mainstream Washington Politicians Say ‘No We Can’t’
Washington, DC - Following the release of a Monmouth University poll that found a clear majority of support for offshore domestic energy exploration and production from coastal residents in New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia, Thomas J....Continue Reading...
That’s a Wrap: Way Over Budget and Getting Horrible Reviews, Waxman Finally Clears the Set...
- 05/22/09
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Washington, DC – While the American people continue to list climate change among the issues they care about the least, Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Hollywood), chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, reported legislation out of his committee today that elevates that issue above all others, even as our economy founders and the benefits of cap-and-trade become less defensible by the day.
Thomas J. Pyle, president of the American Energy Alliance (AEA), issued the following statement:
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Pulp Fiction: On Page 781 of Waxman Cap-and-Tax Bill, a Response Guide for Mass Unemployment
- 05/20/09
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Beneficiaries to receive 3 years of salary, health insurance, job training, and relocation package as a result of this job-killing measure
Washington, DC – With 946 pages of legislative text, it comes as no surprise that as the days pass by, interesting new provisions buried deep in the Waxman-Markey cap-and-tax bill are revealed. Today we expose section 426.
“While the authors of this bill continue to insist that cap-and-tax will be a clear economic winner, several provisions buried...
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BURIED: Scarcely Reported Poll finds that 78% of Americans Oppose Legislation...
- 05/19/09
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BURIED: Scarcely Reported Poll finds that 78% of Americans Oppose Legislation that will Increase Electric Bills
Washington, DC – Nearly six out of 10 Americans would oppose Chairman Henry Waxman’s cap-and-tax scheme if it resulted in their electricity bills going up a single penny, a recent poll found. And nearly eight out of 10 respondents would consider a $50 per month increase in utility bills a “hardship,” even if that figure only represents a fraction of the cost burden that ...
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