Texas AEA Launches Waxman-Markey Energy Tax Ad
- 04/27/09
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AEA Launches Waxman-Markey Ad
- 04/27/09
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House of Wax: As Congress Kicks Off Week-Long Parade on Cap-and-Trade, AEA Poses Top 10 Questions
- 04/22/09
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Tuesday, April 21, 2009 | Laura Henderson (202) 621-2951 |
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Black Liquor and Switchgrass: Washington’s Throwing an Energy Bash and You’re Stuck with the Tab
- 04/17/09
- Can't Make This Up
In today’s Wall Street Journal , KimStrassel details just one of the unintended consequences of government policiesin energy that are disrupting markets, increasing prices and adding to thefederal deficit. Her piece details how a government program designed toencourage the use of alternative energy is being used by elements in theprivate sector for whom it was not intended precisely because it makes economicsense. And now the government is upset: forced to subsidize somethingthat doesn’t...
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AEA: Salazar Opposition to Safe, Responsible Offshore Energy Exploration as Crooked as Lombard St.
- 04/16/09
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Want less foreign oil, more green jobs? Alaska is the answer
- 04/14/09
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AEA to Salazar: Looking to Reduce Our Dependence on Foreign Oil? Create “Green” Jobs? Welcome to Alaska…
WASHINGTON – As Interior Department Secretary Ken Salazar arrives in Anchorage tomorrowfor the third stop in his nationwide tour concerning the future ofoffshore energy production, American Energy Alliance (AEA) SeniorVice President for Policy Daniel Kish released the following statement:
“If the secretary is serious in wanting to learn how the creation of ‘green...
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Louisiana Helps Itself, Entire Nation as an Energy Team Player
- 04/07/09
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Tuesday, April 7, 2009 | Laura Henderson (202) 621-2951 |
Louisiana Helps Itself, Entire Nation as an Energy Team Player
It’s Time for Other Coastal States to Take Note and Get off the Bench
WASHINGTON, D.C. – As the U.S. Department of the Interior prepares to hold its second of four regional hearings tomorrow to discuss the future of outer continental shelf (OCS) energy resources, American Energy Alliance (AEA) Senior Vice President for Policy ...Continue Reading...
Atlantic City is Perfect Example of U.S. Energy Future
- 04/04/09
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AEA: Atlantic City is Perfect Example of U.S. Energy Future
WASHINGTON, D.C. - As the U.S. Department of the Interior preparesto hold its first regional hearing next week on the future of responsibleenergy exploration offshore, American Energy Alliance (AEA) Senior VicePresident for Policy DanielKish issued the following statement today reminding lawmakers that ourvast, domestic offshore energy resources hold the key to both our economicrecovery and energy future."In a way, it's...
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Celebrate Human Achievement Hour
- 03/27/09
- Can't Make This Up
The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) recently announced the creation of Human Achievement Hour (HAH) to be celebrated tomorrow, March 28th, between 8:30pm and 9:30pm. This is the same time and date as Earth Hour, a period of time when individuals, businesses, and governments are being encouraged to “turn off the lights” in an effort to draw attention to global warming.
The supporters of Earth Hour include the United Nations , which is understandable in light of...
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AEA to Salazar: Keep Your Word
- 03/18/09
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Letter Challenges Salazar to Recognize Environmental Safety Technology Advances
WASHINTON,DC—After Interior secretary Ken Salazar said that he “would considertapping oil” along a small portion of Alaska’s Coastal Plain, theAmerican Energy Alliance (AEA) wrotethe Secretary to applaud his comments and update him about the widely-used andproven-safe technology advances energy producers have made in directionaldrilling in recent years. AEApresident Thomas J. Pyle, the author of the ...Continue Reading...