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AEA Statement on Senate Climate Change “Postponement”

  • 04/26/10
  • AEA
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Washington, DC - The American Energy Alliance(AEA), a non-profit organization that educatesand engages the public on benefits ofmarket-based energy policy, today congratulated Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.)for siding with his constituents and opting out of one of the most economicallydamaging pieces of legislation this country has ever seen. "Senator Graham has spent nearly six and a halfmonths negotiating behind closed doors with big business, special interests andrent-seeking lobbyists...
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What Offshore Drilling Looks Like

  • 03/31/10
  • AEA
  • Can't Make This Up
You may be surprised...
what offshore drilling looks like

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Different Rules for Different Energy?

  • 03/03/10
  • AEA
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Thirteen Senators Seek to Shut Down U.S. Coal Industry

Washington, DC – According to reports , thirteen U.S. senators today urged Majority Leader Reid and the leading authors of global warming legislation, Senators Kerry, Graham, and Lieberman, to specifically grant the EPA authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from coal-fired power plants, in addition to other provisions included the bill, such as cap-and-trade and a renewable electricity mandate, which would also target...
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Climate Change and Politicians: “Do As I Say and Not As I Do”

  • 12/10/09
  • AEA
  • Can't Make This Up

Politicians worldwide seem not to be familiar with qualitymanagement principles, as they are simply not "walking the walk."   In fact, they are doing just theopposite where greenhouse gas emissions are concerned. Rather than conservingenergy through less usage, more efficient vehicles, mass transit andcarpooling, they are flying in private jets, driving gas guzzlers, and being chauffeuredin limousines. All of these activities emit more greenhouse emissions than thealternatives: using...

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Will Sen. Kerry Kite Surf to Copenhagen?

  • 12/10/09
  • AEA
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AEA urges Sen. Kerry to lead by example – be the first (and only) official to use carbon-free energy source to travel to global warming conf.
Washington, DC - Thomas J. Pyle, president of the American Energy Alliance, issued the following statement urging Sen. John Kerry, the lead author of the Kerry-Boxer cap-and-trade legislation, to make carbon-conscious choices when he travels to the U.N. global warming conference in Copenhagen: “When it comes to the growing threat of manmade...
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In the Crosshairs: AEA Launches another TV Ad in SC focused on Sen. Graham’s Cap-and-Trade Support

  • 11/16/09
  • AEA
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Non-partisan group extends education, advocacy campaign for fourth consecutive week in Palmetto State

Washington, DC – As U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) continues to work to enact a job-killing cap-and-trade bill as part of larger global warming policy, the American Energy Alliance (AEA) – a non-partisan, non-profit advocacy organization– launched yet another television commercial today aimed at educating South Carolina residents about how cap-and-trade will increase energy...
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Why Support Cap-and-Trade? AEA’s 10 "Best" Reasons

  • 11/05/09
  • AEA
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WASHINGTON - In honor of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works’ passage of the Kerry-Boxer cap-and-trade bill, the American Energy Alliance (AEA) today released its top 10 reasons to support cap-and-trade: 10) It’ll be the largest tax increase in history and will help pay for the government takeover of health care. 9) America’s unemployment rate is only 10 percent. Higher energy prices and the resulting transfer of American businesses overseas will help us double...
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Top 10 Questions for Senate EPW Members

  • 11/03/09
  • AEA
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WASHINGTON- As theSenate Committee on Environment and Public Works continues to discusscap-and-trade, the American Energy Alliance (AEA) released its top 10 questionsfor the committee’s members. 10) Do you think Americans are not paying enough for gasoline,electricity, food, clothing, and just about everything else? 9)  Was President Obama just kidding when he said, “Under my planof a cap-and-trade system, electricity prices would necessarilyskyrocket ”? What about the...
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Sen. Graham Cap-and-Tax Double Talk Continues

  • 10/30/09
  • AEA
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South Carolina voters deserve to know where Sen. Graham stands on cap-and-trade WASHINGTON – As Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) continues to defend his support for a job-killing national energy tax, the American Energy Alliance (AEA) today examined some of his most recent public statements.

Graham’s World

Real World

"This administration is not going to allow offshore drilling for oil and gas unless it's part of some bigger deal," Graham said in a conference call with South...

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Let the Energy Rationing Games Begin

  • 10/27/09
  • AEA
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Senate EPW kicks off cap-and-raid debate, set to hear from over 50 witnesses Washington, DC - As the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee formally kicks off its global warming debate, Thomas J. Pyle, president of the pro-market American Energy Alliance (AEA) issued the following statement: "The fundamental goal of this global warming legislation is to make affordable and reliable energy sources more expensive and to mandate the use of inefficient,intermittent and costly forms of...
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