AEA Statement on Senate Climate Change “Postponement”
- 04/26/10
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What Offshore Drilling Looks Like
- 03/31/10
- Can't Make This Up
Different Rules for Different Energy?
- 03/03/10
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Thirteen Senators Seek to Shut Down U.S. Coal Industry
Washington, DC – According to reports , thirteen U.S. senators today urged Majority Leader Reid and the leading authors of global warming legislation, Senators Kerry, Graham, and Lieberman, to specifically grant the EPA authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from coal-fired power plants, in addition to other provisions included the bill, such as cap-and-trade and a renewable electricity mandate, which would also target...Continue Reading...
Climate Change and Politicians: “Do As I Say and Not As I Do”
- 12/10/09
- Can't Make This Up
Politicians worldwide seem not to be familiar with qualitymanagement principles, as they are simply not "walking the walk." In fact, they are doing just theopposite where greenhouse gas emissions are concerned. Rather than conservingenergy through less usage, more efficient vehicles, mass transit andcarpooling, they are flying in private jets, driving gas guzzlers, and being chauffeuredin limousines. All of these activities emit more greenhouse emissions than thealternatives: using...
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Will Sen. Kerry Kite Surf to Copenhagen?
- 12/10/09
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In the Crosshairs: AEA Launches another TV Ad in SC focused on Sen. Graham’s Cap-and-Trade Support
- 11/16/09
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Non-partisan group extends education, advocacy campaign for fourth consecutive week in Palmetto State
Washington, DC – As U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) continues to work to enact a job-killing cap-and-trade bill as part of larger global warming policy, the American Energy Alliance (AEA) – a non-partisan, non-profit advocacy organization– launched yet another television commercial today aimed at educating South Carolina residents about how cap-and-trade will increase energy...Continue Reading...
Why Support Cap-and-Trade? AEA’s 10 "Best" Reasons
- 11/05/09
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Top 10 Questions for Senate EPW Members
- 11/03/09
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Sen. Graham Cap-and-Tax Double Talk Continues
- 10/30/09
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Graham’s World |
Real World |
"This administration is not going to allow offshore drilling for oil and gas unless it's part of some bigger deal," Graham said in a conference call with South... |
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Let the Energy Rationing Games Begin
- 10/27/09
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