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AEA Comments on EPA's Flawed Greenhouse Gas Regulation Scheme

  • 12/03/08
  • AEA
  • Can't Make This Up

The American Energy Alliance recently sent comments to EPA on EPA's plan to regulate greenhouse gases. We will continue to fight against ideological fringe groups to who are working to dramatically increase the cost of energy in America.

This past summer, EPA released an "Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking" (ANPR) that outlined how it might go about shoehorning the ability to regulate carbon, at best (outright criminalize it, at worst) into the authority already assigned to the EPA by the...

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Aliens Cause Global Warming

  • 11/13/08
  • AEA
  • Can't Make This Up
Author Michael Crichton passed away last week. His books were focused on controversial issues including medical malpractice, airline safety, biotechnology, nanotechnology, and Japan's economic dominance. His most controversial book was State of Fear , a book about global warming where environmentalists are the bad guys. The book was controversial because Crichton challenged conventional wisdom about global warming.

But Crichton was not ignorant of global warming science and policy. He spent a...
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Alaska Loses

  • 11/03/08
  • AEA
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Alaska Ad from the American Energy Alliance
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AEA Releases New Video, “Alaska Loses”

  • 11/03/08
  • AEA
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“Nancy Pelosi, who leads the Democrats in the House, and Harry Reid, who leads the Democrats in the Senate, are hostile to finding and using more domestic energy resources like coal, oil, and natural gas.  Our new video alerts the citizens of Alaska what that means for them:  higher prices for energy and fewer jobs for all Alaskans.” Washington, DC – Washington, DC – The American Energy Alliance (AEA) today released a new video entitled, Alaska Loses , to alert Alaskans that...
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South Carolina - Two Senators

  • 10/30/08
  • AEA
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AEA Tells South Carolina the Truth about Their Senators

  • 10/30/08
  • AEA
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“More energy production from resources owned by the American people  -- on and offshore - means lower energy prices for American families and businesses.  Senator DeMint gets it. Senator Graham, unfortunately, does not.”
Washington, DC – The American Energy Alliance (AEA) continues its efforts to keep leaders accountable for their energy policies with a new radio spot, “Two Senators.”  AEA’s latest ads will run starting today in South Carolina. AEA President Thomas Pyle...
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AEA Launches South Carolina Ad "Two Senators"

  • 10/29/08
  • AEA
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Listen The text of the ad follows “It’s a tale of two United States Senators. As our families struggle with rising energy prices Senator Jim DeMint fought hard to lift the ban on offshore exploration and production.” “Senator Lindsey Graham took a different approach—supporting a deal that permanently locks up more than 75% of the United States energy rich Outer Continental Shelf.” “Senator DeMint’s plan for additional exploration means lower energy costs for our families, more...
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AEA Keeps Focus on Domestic Energy Production

  • 10/23/08
  • AEA
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Alliance Continues American Energy Advocacy Campaign with New Ad
“More energy production from resources owned by the American people – on and offshore – means lower energy prices for American families and businesses. Some people get it.  Some don’t.” 
Washington, D.C.   – The American Energy Alliance (AEA) continues its efforts to keep leaders accountable for their energy policies with a new radio spot, “Keep Fighting.”  AEA’s latest ad will start running today in...
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Mississippi - Keep Fighting

  • 10/22/08
  • AEA
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AEA Launches "Keep Fighting" Radio Ad

  • 10/22/08
  • AEA
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Listen The text of the ad follows They say change is coming, but tough economic times still lie ahead for many Mississippi families. Senators Roger Wicker and Thad Cochran fought to lift the ban on offshore energy exploration and production. And today, gas prices are falling, providing needed relief to our families. But some in Congress want to reinstate the ban and stop offshore exploration before it even starts. And others want to increase energy taxes, eliminating...
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